Thursday, May 31, 2012

Alabama Shakes

There's really not enough bands out there like the Alabama Shakes. I love this sound. I really have nothing else to say, except that I think they're wonderful and you should buy their debut album, Boys & Girls. And Jack White agrees with me. Here are two of my favorite songs from the album.

Rise to the Sun

On Your Way

Friday, May 25, 2012

Gary Thomas

It would appear I have neglected my blog. It's been practically a month since my last post. I've thought about posting since then, and I have music to share, I just haven't had a chance. I need to not do that anymore. There's too much good stuff to share.

This post is an exciting one for me. It's my first South African musician, and one of the only good South African musical acts I've found since I moved here. I actually hear a fair amount of South African music at home. I generally keep the TV on in the background and have it tuned to a music video station for background noise. One of the music stations I have shows mostly South African music, and unfortunately most South African music is terrible. Think Nickleback.

But then I found Gary Thomas. I don't know much about this guy, except that he's South African. And he seems to have two albums out, but they're not on iTunes. I've actually only heard two songs by him, but the first one I heard is ridiculously good. Really fucking awesome. This guy is awesome. I should probably get to a record shop and buy his new album, Contraption Distoria. And then I need to find out when he's playing a gig and become his best friend.

Walls and Floors. Enjoy.