Friday, June 17, 2016

Mint Royale / Jake Meadows & Daniel Johns

I don't really have time to write a blog post now. It's been crazy busy what with the family visiting and all the work and everything. I'm also behind on music, as I get when I travel. But I have a couple good songs to share, which come from artists who don't have much else to share and I don't want to forget about, so today you get 3 quick songs. Also, Wendy mentioned how I haven't written in a while when I saw her the other day, so I probably should.

First up is a song from Mint Royale with Tom Cane. No clue who they are or anything, but if this Mint Royale is the same Mint Royale as the Spotify profile, then they've been making music for a very long time and then disappeared and are now back. But that could be totally wrong. However, there is a song called Time which I quite like.

And then there's this other duo (maybe? Maybe it's just two guys that collaborated on 2 songs and are not officially a duo? Both their names are listed individually on the songs, and they only have two of them, so who knows) that has 2 good songs. And only 2 songs. They are Jake Meadows and Daniel Johns. The first song I heard is Echo of Tomorrow.

Actually, I feel like I've heard of Jake Meadows before, and he's maybe a folky singer-songwriter type of guy? I don't know, but this isn't folky. It's just good. The other song is Lost Entitlement.