Thursday, November 7, 2013

Glasser - Interiors

I just spent the last 24 hours trying to rack my brains for something interesting about my life that I could include in this blog post. While I try to keep my weekends pretty fun-filled, the weeks are rather boring. There is literally nothing to do in my town. Except an asparagus museum, but that's all in German and probably only open in Asparagus season (April in case you were wondering, high tourist season for Schrobenhausen, I think the population goes from 16,000 to 16,004). It is a cute little town, though, so my first week here back in July I decided that I wanted to go and explore the city a bit with my camera. I had to be finished by 6pm so I could get to the market or something before it closed (I don't actually remember what I had to do, but it was something that was contingent upon making it to some place before a ridiculously early closing hour). Problem was, I only left the office at 5:30 and didn't think I'd be able to see anything. But, in those 30 minutes, I biked home from work, changed, walked around the entire east half of the old town taking pictures, and still made it to wherever I had to be at 6. That's how tiny this place is.

So that should illustrate how exciting my weeks generally are. I go to work, sometimes I might have a German lesson in the evening, and then I just hang about in my apartment (Now taking TV show recommendations...). But I've managed to get some fun stuff lined up over the next couple of weeks, obviously all music related. I'm headed down to Munich (about an hour drive) 3 times in the next 12 days for concerts. The first one is tonight, with Half Moon Run. Then I'll be seeing Daughter next Wednesday (3rd time this year, and always in different countries!). And finally I'm going to see Haim & Phoenix on the 19th. Phoenix I'm actually not as excited about (unless they play stuff from Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, but Entertainment! was a bit disappointing after the WAM), but I'm super excited about Haim. I'm trying to figure out something I can yell at them that will let them know I'm a California Jew and good marrying material. One friend back in the States recommended offering to take them for a Deli Burger at PKD (in case you're not an LA Jew, it's a really popular Kosher restaurant in LA that has a ridiculous hamburger with grilled pastrami on it. Grilled pastrami. It's like Jewish bacon, which means it's better than goyische bacon). Then they would invite me backstage, we'd fall in love, and life would be wonderful. I haven't decided which of them would become my special lady friend, but I'm open minded on the topic.

Ok, enough of that. I wrote about Glasser last January when I had just heard about her and knew next to nothing. Now I know a little bit less than nothing (she's from America), but she has new music in the form of the sophomore album Interiors.

This is the 2nd of the 3 albums mentioned which I had on repeat during my Switzerland trip, and the one that I actually wanted to blog about first. Similar to the other Glasser album, the first track, Shape, is probably my favourite. In fact, if I made a mix of my favourite opening album tracks, this would probably be on it (I think about this mix a lot, I should probably do it. The opening track of opening tracks would have to be Homme by Brazilian Girls off of Brazilian Girls, cause that's basically what made me think of this in the first place). Anywhere, here's Shape.

All kinds of comparisons to be made I feel, which are horrible but I keep doing because that's just what we do. A little bit Bjork, a little bit Grimes (though much better than Grimes. I was so excited for her album, then talk about a disappointment...). Then you get another favourite track of mine, Forge. I feel like this one could be a grower, took me a few listens to really love it.

This one brings in a little Frou Frou, and even a bit of this Japanese artist ACO, who I always think of as the Japanese equivalent of Bjork (explanation: I used to listen to a lot of Japanese music. I barely do anymore, but this is one artist I would still gladly listen to. Go find the album Absolute Ego from 1999 if you can, cause it's awesome. Or even Material (2001) or Irony (2003), all of which are very different albums but also great. In fact, I just checked and she has a new album on American Spotify which has really good reimaginings of some of her older songs, and a couple new ones).

And then one more stand out track towards the end of the album, New Year. I've name dropped enough to pique your interest and already played you two tracks, so if you're still here, then you're probably going to listen to this one as well. As you should.

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