Friday, February 28, 2014

A bit of a mixed bag today

Last time I wrote a blog I had so much to share and talk about. Unfortunately now it all seems to have disappeared from my head. I'm bored at work and so I'm kind of forcing myself to write this blog in order to pass the time. But I can't remember any of the many things I wanted to share last time. I've still got music I want to share, but I honestly can't remember any of the stories I wanted to talk about.

So instead I guess I can talk about visitors, seeing as I have one at the moment. My friend Sarah, who I know from Beijing, is in town visiting. She actually lives in Taiwan now and had to make a visa run, so decided to come visit me. It worked out perfectly to since the weekend she had to do it is my only weekend in Singapore for a few months. Sarah's actually my first proper visitor in Singapore, and maybe my third or fourth in the entire time I've been in Asia. I've seen friends here in Singapore, but they've all been people passing through or here for other things, whereas Sarah came with the intent of visiting me and is the first person to actually stay with me, so she wins the prize for first visitor. Yay Sarah!

I would've thought after like 5 years total spent living in Asia I would have had more visitors by now. But, believe it or not, I had more visitors in my 15 months in Africa than I've had in 5 years in Asia. In Japan, my friend Elliot came to visit. Then once I moved to China my parents and my sister came, and my friend James came. Again, I did see other friends in both Japan and China, but those are really the only people that came with the express intention of seeing me, or that came and stayed with me.

In Africa, on the other hand, I had about 6 visitors in 15 months. Elliot came to visit, along with a couple friends from China. Otherwise it was mostly visitors by way of introduction. I found that a lot of people would put their friends in touch with me when they were coming to South Africa, and they inevitably ended up staying with me, which was great as they are now all my friends as well. And, as an added bonus, I've since been treated to both a Nando's meal (thanks Lula!) and delicious cocktails (thanks Wendy!) in return for my hospitality.

At first it seems a bit weird that I would have more visitors in Africa when Asia is so much more accessible and cheaper, especially coming from the US. After spending quite a bit of time thinking about it, it does kind of makes sense, though.  First, I think a lot of people kind of expect me to be in Asia forever, so they have plenty of time to visit (no comment on that...). But I think, more importantly, Americans don't tend to know as many people in Africa as they do in Asia. It seems like everyone knows someone in Asia. Hence me becoming the go-to introduction for anyone traveling to South Africa at the time. In fact, when I was moving there and asking around for introductions to anyone, only half of people that I was introduced to actually lived in SA. The others were in Botswana (close), Kenya (far) and Senegal (very far). Luckily I got to meet them all thanks to work travel, but I think it just reinforces the fact that connections in Africa are scarce.

The point of all this rambling is really to reinforce the fact that you should come visit me. Doesn't matter where, I promise it will be fun. Even if we haven't spoken in years, get in touch if you're in the area. I'm pretty shameless about randomly messaging people I haven't spoken to in years if I'm nearby because my lifestyle would not really allow it to be any other way. So I don't mind at all if you do the same. I kind of like it.

For starting out the blog not being able to think of what to write about, I think I've done quite well. And hopefully I can do quite well with the music, too. Last time I wrote there were 3 songs by 3 different artists/groups that were my songs of the moment. I wanted to share them all but didn't because I had other important music to share. But this time I will share those songs, which should make for a pretty eclectic selection.

The first was my new favourite song about 2 weeks ago. I was listening to it a lot. It's Unkinder (A Tougher Love) by THUMPERS, by the way. I'd actually heard it and starred it on Spotify a while back, but then they released their album so it was showing up again online and I heard it again and kept listening over and over. It's fun. It's very fun. It makes me want to dance around in my office (or wherever I happen to be). THUMPERS debut album, Galore, is also not bad, but this is by far the best song on it.

Next we're moving into a very different style of music with Paper Bird. This Colorado group has like 7 vocalists or something ridiculous like that. I ended up buying their newest album, Rooms, just on the strength of As I Am, the opening track and first single off the album. Again, there was a lot of this song on repeat. Great harmonies, great electric guitar, great melody, great percussion. Lots of good things about it. And it just makes me happy.

And last, I'm switching it up again with Jamestown Revival, an LA-by-way-of-Texas bluegrass/folk rock duo. Just like with Paper Bird, I heard one song by these guys and wanted more and more. They just put out their debut album, Utah. I've actually heard quite a few bands like these guys in the last week or two, but these guys do it better than most, in my opinion. I like most songs about California, and California (Cast Iron Soul) is no exception. Other than the fact that I like it more than most other songs about California, anyway.

Alright, I think that's all I've got for you for now. Except for my public service announcement, which is that Little Dragon has put out a new single (Klapp Klapp) and is releaseing a new album (Nabuma Rubberband) later this year. I will be very surprised (and even more disappointed) if this album isn't in my top 10 this year. Go pre-order, peoples.

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