Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I have a list of music that I intend to blog, but I keep getting sidetracked. And it happened again today. Also, I think this is my first blog actually posted from South Africa.

Anyway, Absofacto is some dude who makes music I like. Some of his stuff I don't like, but a lot of it is really good. Best part? Most of it is free on his website!

But for now, here's his new single, Lies (which I really like):

And here's my favorite song by him, Synthesocietal:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Miike Snow!!

I am, once again, at the Dubai airport. I always seem to post stuff when I'm here. Not that that's bad. I like this place. They have wifi.

Anyway, I had intended to introduce some new music to you, but then I found out that Miike Snow has officially released their first single from their upcoming second album. If you don't know Miike Snow, I'm sorry for you. You should. And now you do. Their first album, Miike Snow, was my favorite album of 2009, and I'm super excited about the new one, Happy to You, which comes out later this year.

Here's the tracklist, in case you're curious:

These guys are Swedes, and as I already mentioned in earlier blogs, I do like Swedes and their music. And actually, even if you haven't heard of Miike Snow, you have definitely heard them. They've produced some very popular music, for example Toxic by Britney Spears. But their music is much better than hers. Although that is like the only song by her that I like.

Anyway, first single! Well, first official one. Here's Paddling Out.

They had another single earlier this year (Devil's Work) which is also on the new album, but it was an "unofficial" release. Also good, but I like Paddling Out more.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Here's Glasser. I don't know much about her, but she makes good music. I think she just has one album out called Ring. Here's the first track, Apply, which happens to be my favorite.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


New year, new job, new continent! I moved to Johannesburg on January 2 to start my new job. It did not make for a good Jan 1, since I had to get up (still drunk) and make it to the airport in the morning. Luckily it helped me to just pass out on the plane, and now I'm pretty sure life will be good here. I say here, but actually I'm in Dubai right now on my way back to China to sort out visa stuff. Lame. I was enjoying the summer.

Anyway, because I live in Africa, I thought I'd share something African. Asa is a Nigerian singer-songwriter. She's pretty great. There's one song in particular by her which I love: Jailer. She's not South African, but I'll get to that once I figure it out. For now, enjoy. And if you enjoy, the video actually has another song of hers, Fire on the Mountain, attached to the back of it, which is why it's so long. Jailer isn't actually that long of a song.