Thursday, January 28, 2016

Jan 28 - Brazilian Girls

OK here we go. I'm gonna write about my trip home. And then I'll hopefully even write again later this week about what's been going on since then. And share music, obviously, because as we all know that is the only real point of this blog.

I went home for my friend Jay's wedding. Jay is my Korean ex-roommate from Beijing, who married a woman from Mississippi, so the trip was planned around the wedding. Unfortunately I have a ton of weddings to go to this year (or fortunately, actually, but it's unfortunate because...) which means this had to be a really short trip. I only had 6 days in the US. And I spent every day in a different city or state.

I landed on a Tuesday and was picked up by my parents and my friend Candice. I'm sure I've talked about Candice before. She was one of my very close friends here in Shanghai who moved to the States, and is now living in SF with her husband. So she came down to see me for a couple days. The first day was easy. We went home. I gave out presents. We had a nice dinner. I slept.

I guess day 2 was easy also, just seemed like a lot more. I had to pick my sister up at the airport in the morning cause she also came in for a wedding (actually to see me but let's let her believe it was for the wedding). While Candice and I picked her up, my parents went to pick her boyfriend and my mom's friend up, and then we all met at The Filling Station, which is one of my favorite restaurants. I'm also sure I've written about that place. It used to be an actual filling station back in like the 20s, but then was turned into an awesome little diner, and I worked there during college. And now it's always on my list of places I have to go in OC. I can't get enough of it. So we started with lunch there, then it was up to LA for the rest of the day. We went to The Broad to take in some art, because everyone talks about it and why not do something cultural? It's a new, free, art museum in downtown LA. It was great, except the one exhibit I really wanted to see (The Infinity Mirrored Room by Yayoi Kusama) needed a special ticket and had a 2 hour wait. We sadly did not have 2 hours. So no Yayoi Kusama for me. It looks pretty gorgeous though. I want to see it so bad. Hopefully it'll come to Shanghai at some point and then I'll get in quickly for free. That would be amazing. There were some other awesome pieces in there, and pieces from tons and tons of famous artists who I had actually heard of, surprisingly. And there was a super acid trippy room by some Japanese guy that was basically covered in modern anime-style neon paintings of traditional Japanese characters and stories. We spent about an hour and a half in the museum, and then it was off to Culver City for snackies and drinkies with my friend Alex, before making our way to Hollywood for dinner and a show with my friend Carie. What show, you ask? More on that later....

That was day 2. Look at how long this is and I'm only on day 2. Jesus. Day 3 involved a run down to San Diego to see family who came up from Mexico (also for a wedding, what's up with that weekend?). They actually got in late so we didn't get much time with them, unfortunately, but what we got was nice. And it involved Lolitas, which is also more food I love. Then we had to run back to OC to go to my sister's boyfriend's house for dinner. His family has a house down in Mexico and they go fishing a few times a year, so he made us fish tacos with a fish he caught himself. They were delicious. Hanna always talks about how good of a cook he is, but it was the first time I've tried it myself and I've gotta say, just based on that, she's right. They were damn good. And I met his parents who are really nice. His dad kind of reminds me of The Dude from The Big Lebowski. I don't think I told Davis that, but I probably should.

Day 4 was when the travel started. This day should be easy because I spent most of it on a plane on my way to New Orleans. But it's not, because I went to New Orleans, a city I've never been to before. So I did not waste a minute there. But you know what? I think I'll make this a 2 parter. This is already too long. So part 2 will hopefully come tomorrow. And then I'll need a 3rd blog on the weekend to talk about my time since then. Oy, what have I gotten myself into? You better appreciate this Wendy! And you better send me an email update like you promised!

But before I go, music. Which brings us back to the aforementioned concert, which was by Brazilian Girls. Now, Brazilian Girls are one of my favorite bands. Full stop. Have been for years. Then they broke up after putting out their 3rd album, New York City, back in like 2009. So I was sure I'd never ever see them. Luckily for me, they just put out a new single, The Critic, in anticipation of a new album! It's today's song, by the way. No clue when that new album is coming or what it's called, but I am so excited. And of course that means they also have to start touring! And luckily for me, just a week after I bought my ticket home they announced an LA show the day after I landed! So my dreams came true and I got to see Brazilian Girls. And I saw them with my friend Carie (and my sister and her boyfriend and Carie's friend), who introduced them to me in the first place when we lived together. So it was pretty wonderful for both of us. We saw them at The Roxy, a tiny little venue on the Sunset Strip, and while they didn't play all the old songs I wanted, they did play their fan-favorite (Pussy) and mine and Carie's favorite (Don't Stop). And a bunch of other amazing old ones (special mention to Sirenes de la Fete in the encore). But sadly no Good Time. They also did spend a lot of time playing new music, which got me excited for the new album (as if I wasn't already), and there was one song in particular that was amazing where they shut off all the lights and Sabina Sciubba (the singer) just danced around on stage in the dark in a white dress. Such a great show. I'm so glad it happened. Now if only I could see Bon Iver when they come to Asia next month...

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