Friday, August 18, 2017

Aug 19 - Radiohead / Arcade Fire

I don't think I'm going to have much time to write today, because I'm going to the gym and then this bbq and will probably be too drunk after that. So I'm gonna just leave some quick music here.

First is nothing new, but something that has been stuck in my head all week. Well, maybe not stuck in my head actually. Basically, I decided to listen to a bit of Radiohead the other day (always a good decision). I wanted to listen to Videotape because of this video I watched about it a couple weeks ago, and so I just went ahead and listened to the full In Rainbows album. I know a lot of people weren't fans of that album, but I totally love it. There are some amazing songs on there, and one of my favorites is Reckoner. And guess what? It still is. So I listened to it like 6 times in a row. Then a bit more later that day. And then the next day. And so on and so forth. So it deserves to be here.

I also finally got a chance to listen to the new Arcade Fire album this week. Everything Now came out a couple weeks ago, but while I was traveling I did not have a chance to listen. But now I have, and I kind of like it. My sister didn't, but honestly I'm not sure why. She thinks it's all kind of poppy and the same. I get the sameness, I guess. I don't think it's amazing or anything, and I don't think it's up to the standard of their early work, but I quite like it. Enough to buy it anyway. I think my favorite song on it is Creature Comfort, which apparently was one of the singles before the album came out, but I don't think I heard it until I heard the album.

The other favorite is probably Electric Blue. It was one of the earlier singles, and was definitely my favorite when it came out. And I still like it a lot. I really don't have much else to say about it, but I just want it on my blog playlist, so here it is.

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