Thursday, June 14, 2018

June 14 - Valley Queen / Snail Mail

I'm doing another quick post for you today just to try and catch up on music. Yesterday was poppy. Today is rocky.

Starting out with Valley Queen. I first came across them with one of their latest singles, Supergiant. This is the title track of their debut album, also called Supergiant, which is coming out in July. And with a title track like this, obviously I had to pay attention.

So I only just now realized that song is under 3 minutes. That is disappointing. I thought it was like 6 minutes. Damn. But still, it's a damn good 3 minutes. So if you read about them, everyone talks about how they're this California band that's bringing bluesy, folksy, country sound back to rock and is different from other bands in LA. Maybe because the singer, who was where the band actually started, is from Arkansas? There's that, then everyone talks about her voice. Which is pretty interesting. Wonderfully so. And luckily, they already have a pretty good EP out, called Destroyer. And I'm also sharing a song from that. The closer, Pulled By The Weather. And this one is like 6 minutes long. So thanks for that, Valley Queen.

But we're not stopping there! We're going to keep the lady rock going. Cause there's some damn good ladies making rock (which reminds me, I need to see what Sharon Van Etten is up to. I miss her. She's amazing). Which includes Snail Mail. Aside from a great name, this band has great music, and a great debut album, Lush, that came out last week. So I'm gonna give you one of their singles from the album, Heat Wave.

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