Tuesday, July 3, 2018

July 3 - Sunday, Monday

I dreamt about this song last night, so I decided I had to put it on my blog. I was already thinking about putting it on my blog, anyway, so that's fine.

The song is Moondancer, and it's the newest single from Saturday, Monday, with some additional vocals by some guy named Richard Smitt. No clue who he is, but he probably deserves credit. This song was actually my introduction to Saturday, Monday, although I have subsequently learned that he is a Swedish producer who worked with Little Dragon, so it is 100% for sure that I have heard music made by him without knowing it was him. He also has a few of his own EPs and singles that he's put out since 2013, and I did give them a quick listen. Nothing as good as Moondancer, but still quite good.

So yeah, here's the song of my dreams. I have no idea how it ended up there, or in what context. I very rarely remember my dreams, although sometimes I'll get a snippet or entire scene. But I think this is the first time I remember the soundtrack to my dreams. And I just remember this song playing and me trying to figure it out and not being able to. While I don't remember the actual scene, I do remember that the scene kept repeating until I was able to remember what the song was, and then the dream was able to move on. That's all I've got for you. That and a great song.

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