Sunday, January 20, 2019

Jan 20 - Nonku Phiri

So I was planning to write a blog this afternoon, but then I didn't. I ended up skyping my parents and napping and watching TV. Whoops. But then I went out to the theater to see In The Heights, and I was listening to a playlist that featured this song called Sîfó came on, and holy shit is it good. Just listen.

Right? And the worst part is for some reason, on Spotify, it cuts off at a minute and a half! Can you believe it!? It's unheard of. But this made me go to check out the artist, one Nonku Phiri. And then I saw that yes, the song really was only one and a half minutes on Spotify (I only later learned that is an error and there is a full song). But then I listened to her second most recent song, which is called Regrettables. And also holy shit is it good.

So that was two great songs in a row, so of course I had to go and look her up. It turns out she's from South Africa, and the son of a famous South African musician named Ray Phiri. Who I've never heard of. But my guess, from what I read, is that he was famous for more traditional music. And then here comes his daughter, making her own African dancehall tracks, that are fucking amazing. And what a voice. She makes me want to be back in South Africa so I can see her live. So I then of course did what any sane person would do, and just listened to everything on Spotify. Which, sadly, is only 4 songs. Plus one by some guy named Branko featuring her, called Let Me Go. And that happens to be the most listened to song by her. And it's also damn good. The way she rolls those Rs. So sexy.

But then there is one more song, and you are going to get all her songs today, because she is the best thing I have found in a long time. And that one other song may be her best. It's called Things We Do On The Weekend. And there you have it. Nonku Phiri in all her glory. Which is not enough glory. She needs so much more. This is like a song a year. I need so many more songs by this woman. And I hope I get them soon.

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