Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Feb 1 - The Internet

It's taken me a while to write about Laneway. I don't know why I didn't do it in Malaysia this week, since I wasn't super busy at work. But I guess I'll do it now.

So, overall the festival was great. The lineup was fantastic, maybe the best one yet. There were tons of bands I was super excited to see. The festival itself was not as good as the past though. Felt like the organization was much worse, and much less in the way of services and vendors. The layout also changed, and I wasn't a huge fan of the new staging area. But, I was there for the music, and that did not disappoint.

I was probably most excited to see Sylvan Esso and The War On Drugs, since I'd never seen them before. And I love Sylvan Esso, and am a fan of The War On Drugs, but also their last album was awesome. And as it turns out, Sylvan Esso was probably my favorite act of the day. My sister saw them last year and told me that I should not miss them, and she was right. They are awesome live. Amelia Meath is a dancing machine. And then my other favorite was, unsurprisingly, Moses Sumney. Love that guy. He's just incredible live. Oddly, Sylvan Esso played really early and Moses Sumney quite late. I did not understand that as Sylvan Esso is actually quite popular, and Moses Sumney is still on the rise. But that's what they did. Maybe to attract more people earlier and avoid clashes with other big acts at the end of the night? I'm not sure, but anyway it was fine with me as I had no clashes for the day. And then The War On Drugs was also really impressive. Only problem was that they came on last, after like 11 hours of dancing, so my body was not really responding to me anymore. Being at a concert I had to dance. I am incapable of standing still (and do not understand how other people can). But I felt like anybody who would have seen me at that point would have just assumed I was a super drunk dude. Which I was not. Only 1 beer all day! And a sunburn. But yeah, they were great and they totally shredded, which is what they do. Everyone was good, actually. And so was the crowd. The crowd was super into it all day. I'm always surprised by these Singapore crowds and how engaged and appreciative they are. Great for the atmosphere, and for the artists.

The one big surprise of the day for me was The Internet. This band had been on my radar, but had never caught my attention. But they were excellent live, and the best unknown act I saw. They're an LA hip-hop/funk group, and they have some pretty badass beats. I have now gone and listened to their entire discography, as well as the solo album of the singer Syd. Their newest album, Ego Death, is fantastic. It's already two and a half years old, and I wish I'd heard it sooner. Their older albums are alright, but not as good as this one. Hopefully the fact that they haven't released anything since 2015 means that they'll release something in 2018, now that I'm paying attention. One of my favorite tracks is probably Get Away, the opener from Ego Death.

Then there's this great song Girl, which is featuring KAYTRANADA, another wonderful LA (I think) hip-hop producer. Seriously, I loved his debut album, 99.9%, back in 2016, so I have no idea how I missed this track he worked on, which would have turned me on to The Internet. But at least I'm on to them now, and will continue to be so.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Jan 23 - Boogarins

So, now for the rest of the India trip. After Mumbai we went up to Udaipur, which is one of the tourist hotspots in Rajasthan. I had asked a few friends who lived or had traveled in India for recommendations, and the consensus was to visit Udaipur. This place is known as the city of lakes, because it has a lot of lakes. Very creative. This was more like the India I expected, much more chaotic and crazy, but still actually not so bad. And although it was super touristy and full of tourist shops, people were still super friendly. I did not feel like people were only helping me to get something out of me, or that people were trying to cheat me. So that was really wonderful.

We spent 3 days in this place, and I could have easily spent like 3 more. I woke up and did yoga every morning on the rooftop, looking down at the lake. And then we did day trips out of the town. We spent the morning of the first day touring the City Palace, which is exactly what it sounds like. It was super impressive and enormous and unlike any fort/palace I had seen, which I always enjoy. Plus we had great views of the lakes and city from it, and a really nice guy who was also super affordable and who we did not have to haggle with. Good start to the day! The second half of the day was spent going out to a place called Animal Aid, which takes in abandoned, inured animals and helps rehabilitate them. It was kind of heartbreaking, but also really great work that they're doing. And there's a million dogs, some of whom only have 2 legs, and they still can't help but drag themselves over to you and cuddle up against you for pets. It's the best. And then we went on to watch the sunset from this palace on a mountain, where my phone broke. That part was no fun. I actually just got it repaired last weekend, took like 3 weeks. Very annoying. But other than that, very good. And the next day we went out to this massive fort called Kumbhalgarh. It is an enormous palace on a mountain, with like 32km of walls around it, so they call it the Great Wall of India. It's one of the more famous hilltop fort/palaces in Rajasthan, and those are one of the highlights of Rajasthan. Plus this was my top thing to see after having done my homework. So we spent like 3 hours climbing all over it. It was super cool. But sadly we spent too long there, and our guides didn't tell us any better, so by the time we got to our next stop for the day, a really famous Jain temple called Ranakpur, we actually weren't allowed in. A couple of people in our group were really disappointed about it, especially cause we only missed it by like 5 minutes. It sucked that the guides didn't tell us anything. The temple is famous for stone carvings, and even from the outside it was impressive. So inside should have been amazing. But oh well.

So the best part of this was that both of our day tours were with awesome people. I rarely meet (or even talk to) people when I'm traveling, but we stayed in a hostel and ended up on these tours and the people were super cool and so we hung out together and had dinners and beers and stuff. And we were in a hostel in a backpackery kind of place, which I haven't done for a while. So it was really great. It was really invigorating to be sort of back out in the wild, rather than just wandering European cities, and meeting people who are out traveling and trying to see and experience new things. I wish I did that more. But I also like my comfort and hotels and generally hate people. It is a conundrum. This is why I need a good travel buddy. This never happens when I'm alone.

So yeah, we loved Udaipur. And then it was back to Mumbai to just hang out for one more day, where we did a slum tour. We had been recommended this tour by my friend Niki and some of her cousin's friends, and were concerned at first that it would be exploitative. But they ensured us it wasn't so we decided to try it out, and indeed it was not. It was really informative. First they took us to this outdoor laundry area, that was cool to see although we couldn't go in and explore or anything. But it's the largest outdoor laundry in the world and was still quite impressive. Plus it made a good pic for the Instagrams. And then it was on to the slum, where they took us walking through for about 2 hours, showing us how life is and how people live and what kind of work they do. It was super interesting, because it was not at all what I expected. It was just like another neighborhood. Granted, people live in small, cramped homes and probably do not have the best sanitation conditions, but it is not like they're living in a trash heap or a building that might as well be condemned. They just live normal lives. And they don't let you take photos, which is good from the exploitation angle, but bad from the Instagram angle. They do give you a link to download some professional photos afterwards, though. So yeah, it's super well done, and super informative, and I am very glad I did it. So if you find yourself in Mumbai (or Delhi) go take a slum tour with Reality Tours. That was pretty much it for India. Of course there was also tons of delicious food. We ate nothing but Indian food the entire time, and I did not get sick of it at all. I could have kept eating it for days. I also did not get sick from it. Julia had brought these pills that help your gut bacteria to strengthen your digestion, so maybe that's why. I think that's probably why, because Julia had to keep feeding them to me as I forgot to take them, and then she left 1 night before me and I, of course, didn't take them. And then I got sick on the flight back. That was not fun. Not a great way to end the trip, but a great trip and now I definitely want to go back to India. I used to really want to go, then I didn't want to for a long time, and now I really want to again. Lots to see there!

Then I came back and had a bit of new music catch up to do. And one of the things that I found turned out to be not so new. That thing was Boogarins, a Brazilian indie rock band. Their song Corredor Polones came onto a playlist of Latin bands that would be performing at Coachella, and I really liked it.

To me, this is the sound of latin indie rock. I'm sure there's plenty more sounds to such a big genre, but this is what I always think of. Anyway, so I really liked it and I went onto their Spotify to listen to the whole album, La Vem A Morte. And then I went and listened to their previous album, Manual. And when the first track came on (well, second track but first song after the intro) and I knew it. And it was really good. It was Avalanche. Which is, now that I've listened to their entire discography multiple times, probably still my favorite song by them. And I don't know why I heard this in the past and didn't feel the same way about it. Cause this song is awesome. So anyway, glad I found it now!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Jan 21 - Bedouine

OK, so now we can talk about India. Start talking about it anyway. Even though I said I'd do it yesterday. But today is still good. Maybe I'll finish. Actually I'll probably write half today and half tomorrow and just post this all at once. Or maybe just write half and post half. Not that that matters to you. So yeah, I went to India. I was somewhat apprehensive going into it. For years I really wanted to visit India, but then after moving back to China back in 2009 and realizing that I live in a crazy place that's just overcrowded and dirty and full of pushy people and sometimes a massive headache, I decided that I did not need to vacation to a place which I imagined to be similar. And that is how I imagined India to be. Not only like that, but an even more exaggerated version of that. So for years I did not want to go. And then my friend Julia suggested we go for New Year's Eve, so I said yes.

We only visited 2 places: Mumbai and Udaipur. We spent too much time in Mumbai, but that was basically because my friend Niki was going to be there and so we agreed to change the trip and start in Mumbai, not meet somewhere else to travel then finish in Mumbai. We did still finish in Mumbai because Julia's flight was out of there, but we just added extra time. So Mumbai was not at all what I expected. Maybe Mumbai is to India like Shanghai is to China - not really like the rest of the country and much easier, more chill, and just nicer. Cause that was my impression of Mumbai. It was actually pretty chill. We did spend most of our time down in the old town area at the very south and didn't see much of the real city, but we saw the touristy bits and I'm ok with that. And it was just pleasant. We spent time walking around, visiting synagogues (there are 9 synagogues in Mumbai, and a super interesting Jewish history in India that I didn't know about until a couple of years ago), eating tons of curry and drinking. What more could you want? Plus people were really nice and helpful. Then we drank a bunch on New Year's Eve, which ended up being not quite what we had expected. The drinking was, but the rest wasn't. We'd been told to just go to whatever nice hotel party, cause they all do them, and stay within walking distance of wherever you're staying. So we went to a fancy hotel bar, and instead of being a party, we got a table to ourselves, and there were a few other tables, and they just brought us lots of food and drinks. It was weird. It was nice, cause there were like 7 of us and we all go to sit together and chat all night, but it was not what we expected. And then when we went outside for fireworks and a countdown, there was no countdown or fireworks. Well, there were some fireworks, but it was like 1 firework per minute for 5 minutes. I'm only exaggerating in that it was actually 1 firework per 30 seconds for 2.5 minutes. Now I am not exaggerating anymore. It was strange. But yeah, so that was Mumbai, and then we woke up on the 1st, ate lunch, and flew to Udaipur. And I'll talk about Udaipur tomorrow. And this time tomorrow might actually mean tomorrow.

But I will talk about a bit of music, specifically Bedouine. So here is a very interesting lady. She is based in LA, but based on the biography I just read about her, she was born in Syria, grew up in Saudi Arabia, won the green card lottery, and moved to America. Then when she went to buy herself a recorder to make music one day, the guy who ran the shop asked her to play a song, and she played Solitary Daughter and blew him away and the rest is history. So we'll start with Solitary Daughter.

Now, clearly that is a beautiful song. But here's the weird thing about her. As soon as I heard her I was enthralled. I mean, she has a gorgeous voice, makes beautiful music, and is basically Nick Drake reincarnated into a woman's body. But for some reason, whenever I would listen to her album (also titled Bedouine), it would never really catch my attention. But then she just kept coming up on playlists, and every time I'd hear her voice I'd be like "oh shit this is good" and then go listen to the album again. And I finally fell in love with it and with her. It took me long enough. I don't know why. She's fantastic. So go listen to Dusty Eyes, and then go listen to her whole album. Maybe a few times, but it is worth it.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Jan 19 - Lucius / Brazilian Girls / Sylvan Esso / The Decemberists

Tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day I write about India. I promise. Tonight I'm not doing anything, I'm staying home, but I've been nauseous all day (2nd time this week....) and I don't know why and I just want to finish this show I'm watching (Godless) then watch a movie. Not spend an hour writing. But tomorrow. Tomorrow is the day. But I do have to write you something today, because today is a big music day. This is the first big music day of the year, I'd say.

First, we have a few great album releases. We've known these are coming, but we've got the new Tune-Yards, new First Aid Kit, new Glen Hansard, and the first album from Lake Jons. Plus there's a sort of extension of Hard Love, Strand of Oaks album from last year, with some new takes and new tracks, called Harder Love. Not bad.

But it doesn't stop there. We have some other wonderful releases this week. Exciting and wonderful and I must share them. First up is Lucius. They have just put out a track called Neighbors. This is not the first track they've put out recently, they also put out The Punisher and Million Dollar Secret and a rerelease of Until We Get There last year. But this time they put out a track neighbors and their social media says there's big news coming tomorrow. So I guess that means new album! I don't know what's going to be on it, but I guess Neighbors will be. And this video shows what looks like it could be an album cover with the title Nudes. So maybe that's the name? Plus the song does sound pretty stripped back. And they did release that stripped down version of Until We Get There. So maybe.... I guess we'll find out tomorrow. But until then, here's Neighbors!

This next one is probably the most exciting. This next one is Brazilian Girls. I've written about them plenty and you should know by now they are one of my favorite bands that broke up and then I finally saw them live like 2 years ago and they were supposedly working on this new album, and now this new album is a reality. It is called Let's Make Love and it comes out in April. And we've heard some songs off of it already, but Pirates is the first official track, which was released today. First single from this band in 10 years. Damn. And it's a good one.

Then we have Sylvan Esso, who really should not be releasing anything. They just put out an album last year. A great one. Which they're still touring behind. And yet, here is a random new track called PARAD(w/m)E. Not sure what this means for the future, but I'm happy to have it!

And finally we have The Decemberists. Another band I love. And they have released a song called Severed today, which is the first track off of their new album, I'll Be Your Girl, out in March. They did release a random track last year for a Hamilton spin-off album thing, called Ben Franklin, but as far as I know this is the first official single from the next album. I would say this album is likely to make it onto my top 10 list, just seeing the name The Decemberists. But this track is quite different from their usual conceptual baroque rock. This one gets synthy. Which isn't bad, but it's not what I'm used to. But then, I also thought that Grizzly Bear's new album was too synthy at first, and after getting used to it I loved it and it made my top 10 last year. So I guess we'll wait and see!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Dec 13 - Kendrick Lamar and SZA / Ravyn Lenae / Meshell Ndegeocello

I only like writing real blogs at work, so again, I'm not telling you about India yet. Cause I'm at home. And I want to go watch a movie. And work is not too busy so I will still have time there this week. So, music.

Today's musical theme is (probably the first part) of music I'm excited about this year. The first one is new music from not-new artists. Generally, I'd talk about artists who have started gearing up for album releases, but before we do that I'm going to start with just a random track. Kendrick Lamar and SZA put out a new track together called All The Stars, which is the first release from the Black Panther soundtrack. Also, everyone was crazy for Kendrick last year (not me, although he is very good. Just not crazy like everyone). Everyone (I think, although I'm a bit removed so I'm not sure) was also crazy for SZA. This is a group of people that includes me. For like 3 years now. In fact, I think about this time last year I shared Drew Barrymore and talked about how excited I was for SZA to finally release her first official album. And then it was my 3rd favorite album of the year, and maybe my most listened to album. She's not going to release an album again this year, but this song is great and I love her and everything she does, so I'm sharing it with you.

Then we have maybe my favorite new find of last year, Ravyn Lenae. I don't know if she's releasing an album this year, but I sure hope so. She did put out a new song last year, which I love, called Sticky. This is the lead single from a new EP, CRUSH (her 3rd), coming at the end of January. So hopefully there will be a full album by the end of the year. But if this EP is as good as her previous ones, and as good as Sticky, then I'll still be happy.

And then we've got those artists I love who are actually putting out albums. It seems like everyone put out albums last year, but there were a few holdouts. I already talked last year about First Aid Kit Tune-Yards and My Brightest Diamond, all of whom have albums coming out, and all of which I am excited for. But I did not talk about Meshell Ndegeocello. She has a new album coming out also, called Ventriloquism. It was actually supposed to come out late last year, but then got postponed for some reason. But now it is officially coming in March, which I know because she released the first single, Tender Love. I have to say, I was a bit disappointed when the announcement came today because it turns out it's going to be a covers album, and Tender Love is a cover of Force MDs. She already did one cover album, which was a tribute album to Nina Simone, and which did not live up to my excitement. So when I heard covers, the disappointment came. But then I listened to Tender Love, and it's been totally Meshell-ified, and it's really nice. Not that Meshell-ifying anything should even be a word, because this woman is so capable and has created such a diverse discography over her time as an artist, that she defies labels. One of the many reasons I love her. So hopefully she does as well with the others (especially TLC's Waterfalls. That's gonna be a good one...).

Monday, January 8, 2018

Jan 9 - Mesita

So I'm back in China after my trip. I'm not going to talk about it now, though. This is my first blog of the year, so I'm very focused on what song I should play you. I've been thinking about it since last year. And I had some things that came to mind, but nothing was right. And then I heard Kihei, the new single from Mesita, the other day.

I spoke about Mesita last year. This guy makes lots of music. Some of it amazing (like Kihei and Compliments, which made the blog last year), and some of it kind of boring. But the guy is pretty prolific in the amount of music he makes. And he plays everything himself. Impressive.

Anyway, Kihei is fantastic. It is very happy and upbeat, so great way to start the year. But also it's a bit melancholy if you listen to the lyrics (full disclosure: the lyrics are basically unintelligible, you have to read them in the video and they still don't make a ton of sense, but enough. Also, nice alliteration.), and we all know I love melancholy. And I think it's about taking what you want and making shit happen, which is a great sentiment at the beginning of a new year. Then there's the name. I don't know what Kihei means, but it sounds Japanese. And in Japanese kihei would mean something like "troops." But also, if you switch the syllables and make it heiki, it means "calm." So it's like the opposite of calm, but originating from calmness, maybe? Man I have really overthought this. Just go listen to the song. And happy new year!