Saturday, February 3, 2018

Feb 3 - Troye Sivan / The Notion of Language

I'm back in freezing Shanghai for a freezing weekend. Just for the weekend, pretty much. Actually almost a week, I'm here for like 6 days. Then it's back to the warmth for a month, and hopefully will be warm by the time I'm back again. Also, my sister will be here by the time I'm back. Cause my sister is moving here! Just for 6 months to save up some money before doing a working holiday in New Zealand, but still exciting! It'll be awesome to have her here. Especially since she used to say she'd never want to live in China, and look at her now!

Anyway, it's been a pretty chill weekend. I was supposed to go out last night, but I got home and my computer wouldn't connect to the wifi, so I had to deal with getting that fixed, which took a few hours on live chat with HP. But this morning it is working again! Which means I could enjoy my day. Started with the gym, a bit of cleaning and errands since I'm only here for a few days (including cleaning up and making room for my sister to move in), and then I'm heading out tonight. I may also go get a massage after this... Still debating if I want to go outside or just stay here and watch a movie. Probably the latter. So I'm gonna finish this and go do that.

So I'll give you a bit of weekend music. Poppy music. In fact, one song is straight up pop. Didn't expect that, did you? But this song is catchy. And I feel ok about it because it's on my hipster playlists also. It's My My My!, the new single from Troye Sivan. Maybe he's getting hispter attention cause he's openly gay? Or Australian? I think it's because he's Jewish. Let's go with that. Anyway, it's a super fun song. I think I've heard another song or two of his, cause I've seen his name floating around, but this one is the only one I remember.

The next song is not pop, but it is kind of poppy. But in an indie way, like in that recreating the sound of 80s pop bands way. Exactly like that. But also really good. This one is Nation of Language, by the way. The Brooklyn band has put out like 4 singles over the last year, all of which are decent, but I've Thought About Chicago is super catchy and sticks in my ears. I like it a lot. And hopefully you do too.

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