Thursday, October 11, 2018

Oct 12 - Robyn / Ames / AURORA

I fly back to China tonight! Woohoo! And I spend nearly 3 weeks there, cause the family is coming next week. Still trying to plan all of that out. But I get a week with friends and then a bit over a week with family and friends. Good stuff!

In Australia, things are fine. Keeping busy. Starting to have more fun, I guess, but still meeting people. I have 2 friends now, I'd say. And I have one other high potential who is also Chinese which means I can practice Chinese with her. And then I went to a Moishe House event this week and met another guy who's a bit weird but nice and interesting. So there's progress on that front.

On the home front, I have all the furniture I need, I guess. It isn't all delivered yet, but it's purchased. Up next is a dining table and chairs, small couch/chair/loveseat, and - most importantly - patio furniture.

And the guests are starting to line up, too! I have my friend from Canberra maybe coming the weekend I get back, then the next weekend I'll probably be in Auckland, then a friend from Shanghai will be here, then I go back to Shanghai, then I go home, then around Christmas I have a good friend coming for like 10 days, and the day after he leaves another friend and his wife are coming for the weekend (as part of a longer trip). And then it's almost Chinese New Year when I should have China friends coming. So it's all good stuff! I just need to learn more about Sydney for them. Especially what to eat and drink. That's important.

Got some good pop music for you today. First up are the two new singles from Robyn's new album, Honey, which is due out at the end of the month. The first single was Missing U, which is great. Typical fun, dancey Robyn. I heard this one and immediately thought back to the good old days of Dancing On My Own. Which everyone loves, right?

And then the next single was the title track, Honey. Not as fun, but give it a couple listens and it's still pretty damn good. These two singles have me feeling like this is going to be a very, very solid album.

And then since we're in a poppy mood, here's a new song by a new artist that I liked. That artist is Ames, and that song is Hold On. She's been around as a songwriter for a while, but I am too embarrassed to tell you who she has written songs for. They are very big, very mainstream pop singers. So I should not like this. But I do.

Aaaaand, I'll put one more pop song here. Cause after all, it's Friday. This song is from Norwegian fairy AURORA, who has a new EP. I guess it's an EP. It's like 8 tracks. That's almost an album. Definitely a mini album. Longer than an EP. Anyway, it's out and it's called Infections of a Different Kind (Step 1), with Step 2 apparently coming next year. And, as expected, it's quite good. Best song is Queendom, so that's going in here.

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