Friday, June 15, 2012


I travel a lot for work to all kinds of fun places. Planes make a great time to listen to music. But I also get to see some fun things, which I should probably share. Generally, I spend most of my time in offices and hotel rooms, but fun facts abound.

For example, I was in Uganda for a day last week. As usual I didn't see much, but Uganda is very green. Or Kampala is anyway. And there are lots of Indians and the water in the taps smells like dirt. I stayed at a hotel that looked like a castle and was called the Golf Course Hotel. Supposedly there was a golf course somewhere, but becuase it was shaped like a castle I could only think of mini golf. Sadly there was no mini golf course.

And then, driving back to the airport, we were listening to a country music station. In Kampala. Apparently country music is popular among "executives" and "high class" citizens. Interesting....

Anyway, on to the music. This time it's Chairlift. They released their sophomore album, Something, in January this year and I love it. Much better than their first album from a few years back. There were good songs on the last album, but the only really good one was a cute little track called Bruises, which I think was in someway inspired by anal sex, though you'd probably never guess it listening to the song.

The new album is full of great tracks, like I Belong In Your Arms.

This album is generally a lot more upbeat than the last one. And better. Which contradicts my theory about the first three albums my most artists, which says the first one is great, the second one sucks, and the third one is the best. Although I guess you have to start with a great first album for that to work. Sorry, Chairlift, but at least your second one is great!

Met Before is another of my favorites. Again, fun and upbeat. Yay!

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