Monday, June 25, 2012

Maps & Atlases

Here's a travel tip: Don't go to Senegal.

Now here's a music tip: Listen to Maps & Atlases. Apparently they have like 3 albums. I just got their newest album, Beware and Be Grateful, and it just keeps on growing and growing on me. It's like 7 parts TV on the Radio and 3 parts Dirty Projectors. Maybe 5:2, and then 3 of whatever other magic they sprinkle in there.

First two tracks are great, and I always love when the first track on an album is one of my favorites. Old & Gray doesn't disappoint, especially once it gets to the end and gets all nasally and weird. Those probably aren't adjectives that you'd think would describe the best part of a song, but just trust me on this one.

And then it moves right into track 2, Fever, which is even better! The songs meld together nicely on the album, and I think thematically, too. Also, my first time embedding from Soundcloud. How exciting!

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