Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The worst thing ever.

Before I start on the sad stories and terrible music, here's a spot of good new: after 9 months in South Africa, I finally got internet set up at home! That means I will hopefully be blogging more often. Now on to the sad story.

This story involves one of my favorite bands, Little Dragon. I am afraid I'm doomed to never see them live. My first opportunity was on my birthday about 3 years ago. I was living in California, and they were playing at a small venue in Orange County. I had planned to go see them, even found a friend to come with me. Unfortunately, things didn't work out that way. I share my birthday with a good friend from high school, and he happend to be in a play at the time. His last show was on our birthday, so his wife organized for a bunch of friends to come surprise him for the show. Because I'm such an amazing friend, I forewent the Little Dragon for the play.

Then I moved to Beijing a few months later. I learned about two weeks after I got there about a big music festival the previous weekend, and who should be playing but Little Dragon. So again, I missed them.

Now I live in South Africa, where next to nobody comes to tour. I would say nobody, but I was corrected about five minutes ago when it was pointed out to me that Lady Gaga is coming. Yay? Anyway, nobody that I want to see ever comes here. Except Little Dragon. And they come and play two nights, one night opening for Talib Kweli, and the next night playing a free show. Sadly for me, I wasn't in the country until this weekend. I try to be an optimist and tell myself that when I do finally see them, it will be amazing and we'll become best friends.

Now on to terrible music. I believe I've mentioned how bad South African music tends to be. Here is a perfect example. I saw this song on TV yesterday, and I wanted to change it, but I actually couldn't. I spent the entire video sitting frozen with the remote pointed at the TV unable to change the channel. I don't know if it's the terrible song, the ridiculous name (Snotkop? Seriously? I hope it means something better in Afrikaans), or the stupid dancing, or the strange green lighting, or maybe the Ed Hardy shirt. Surprisingly, this guy apparently won awards for best pop album or something last year. That should tell you what kind of dire straits I'm in.


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