Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April 20 - POLIÇA

Another lounge, another blog. I'm in Istanbul now on my way home from Germany. I had zero time to write during this Germany trip. I had like zero time to do anything for myself during this Euro trip. I was in Germany for a trade show last week, which occupied me from the time I woke up (getting ready, getting to the show) until I got home (after dinner and entertainment and whatnot so always very late and therefore not in the mood to write a blog). So I didn't write at all last week.

The trade show was good, though. It was Bauma Munich, the largest trade show in the world (so they say). Definitely the largest in the industry, and it happens every 3 years, with a similarly large (but not as large) show in Paris and Vegas on the years between. It was my first time at Bauma Munich, actually, so it was nice to see. When I could see it. Because I mostly just saw meeting rooms and our booth. For not doing any sales and not having customers there the whole time, I was ridiculously busy every day. I don't think it's really worth going into the details of the show itself, because it's quite boring. Just meetings and taking guests on tours of our factory and then having dinners and eating far too much every night.

I did get to stay with the Mangs, though, which is always worth mentioning. You know them, they're the friends in Munich who are the parents to my BFF Henry, who will be 6 in like 2 weeks. I actually wasn't supposed to stay with them, but the secretaries at HQ put me in a village 100km from Munich, gave me an 8am pick-up every day, and 9:30 meetings, which I had to get through rush-hour traffic, trade show traffic, and highway construction to get to. Which meant it would be impossible for me to make any of my meetings. So instead I got to rent a car and stay with the Mangs. This made getting to Bauma in the morning much easier, cause I could just take the subway, but it also meant I had to fight traffic leaving Munich every day to get to Schrobenhausen for dinner, which usually took about 2 hours, and then had to make the drive back late at night. But I got to see them every morning, and spend some time with them on the Monday and Tuesday night cause I didn't drive up to Schrobenhausen. So that was great. And I took them to Bauma on the Saturday to see the show, which was also fun. And fun for me cause I got to see the show instead of just work all the time.

After the show I went to visit a friend in Austria, but I'll talk about that next time.

So all that's left is POLIÇA. They put out their third album, United Crushers, recently, and it's a great one. I loved this band's debut back in 2012, but then as many bands do, they put out a disappointing 2nd album. And now with the third, they are back in form. Since I was just in Germany, we'll start with Berlin, which is a great track and would be shared even if I wasn't just in Germany.

The best track is probably the closer, Lose You. So that will be today's second song.

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