Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Nov 29 - Flock of Dimes

Thanksgiving went fantastically this year! We had so much food. It was at my house again, this year with 13 people, and we had a turkey and a ham and a duck and all the fixins. In fact, we had too many fixins. People made all kinds of things, including gravy and Austrian bread dumplings, so we kept some of the fixins that came with the turkey (we got it pre-cooked... but it was delicious!) in the fridge since we just had no room at the table. And we managed to cram all the food and all the people together around the table, which was really amazing. Last year we didn't try. We did the usual food on the running board and serve yourself thing, then sit wherever you like. But this year it was all just crammed in and so homey and wonderful. It definitely helped that it was fantastic people, but I really do think there's something about sitting around the table together and eating a big meal.

It was also very, very international. When I first moved here, for some reason most of my friends were American and Canadian. Now, many of my friends have begun to leave, and I'm moving into my own Shanghai 2.0 with a new round of friends. And these ones are much more international, which I'm used to and prefer. We had Americans, of course, and Canadians and Germans and Austrians and Chinese and French and Korean and Kenyan and Spanish all together at the table. It was the best. I like my life this way. Sadly our Brit was out of town, but I know she regrets it. How could she not?

And then on Sunday I saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them! It came out at the same time here as it did in the US, which is already uncommon. And movies here don't usually stay in cinemas that long. Well, that's not totally true. They can, but not in Imax or on the big screen. And I wanted to see it in Imax, not just a regular movie screen. With the trade show and Thanksgiving and this conference I have coming up next week, I wasn't sure I'd be able to see it like I wanted, but luckily I did. And I really enjoyed it. Very much looking forward to the next 4!

All in all a good week. And now time for good music. Today it's Flock of Dimes, the solo project from Jenn Wasner of Wye Oak. She just put out her debut album, If You See Me Say Yes, and it was a very pleasant surprise. I had no idea it was coming, and then all of a sudden I heard Everything Is Happening Today and thought it was great and somehow familiar, and I looked it up only to confirm my suspicion that it was Jenn Wasner.

Everything Is Happening Today is actually still one of my favorite tracks on the album. She's made a great album. In fact, it's in consideration for my Top 10, which I'm already working on. And it came as a very pleasant surprise following Wye Oak's release of Tween earlier this year. More wonderful Wye Oaky goodness! My favorite track is probably Semaphore, the lead single.

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