Thursday, December 22, 2016

Dec 22 - Soft Hair / Zammuto

I am in southern China finishing up my last business trip of the year, which brought me to Shenzhen and Nanning for the week. Plus a quick hop over to Hong Kong for the day on Wednesday, ostensibly for a meeting so work would pay for my transport, but really just to see my friend Shuk-Wah and eat char siew bao. But it's back to Shanghai tomorrow! Yay!

I've got some pretty weird music for you today. First up is Soft Hair, a very strange band called Soft Hair. This is a duo made up of Connan Mockasin and and LA Priest, neither of whom I've heard but both of whom apparently also make music. They somehow got together and over a 5 year period recorded an album. That album, also called Soft Hair, came out earlier this year. And it is super weird. I'm not actually sure I like it, but it definitely caught my interest. Specifically the first single Lying Has To Stop.

And then there's Zamutto. This is another weird one, though probably a bit less weird than Soft Hair. But it is the solo project of one of the guys from The Books, so if you know The Books you know what to expect. It's still a lot of electro weirdness like what you'd expect from The Books, which is exactly why I probably liked it. Zammuto just put out an EP called Veryone, and I'll be sharing It Can Feel So Good off of that.

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