Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Jan 17 - Mr Little Jeans

I have really been slacking on the blog this year, haven't I? I think I've just been really busy and really tired. I talked about my trip to Europe for New Years, after which I came back and immediately had two visitors. My friend Carol and her husband Kevin had a trip to China over the holidays, and they changed their entire schedule to finish up in Shanghai and spend a couple days with me. We actually flew in about an hour apart, so literally from the moment I landed I had visitors. And then I only had one week in China, which I filled with friends and also this girl I've started dating. Maybe I'll write more about that later, maybe not. I also filled some time with sitting around and doing as little as possible over the weekend so I could get over jetlag. But then the week was pretty busy, with watching Rogue One (actually really good, much better than Episode VII), dinners with friends, birthday parties, and my company's annual dinner. And packing, because I'm now gone again. I'm in Singapore at the moment, and I'll be between here and Malaysia for the week. Then Monday I'm off to Germany for work for a week, then meeting my parents in Portugal for Chinese New Year. So expect to hear more about my travels and best friend Henry and concerts in the coming weeks. I will try to write more, I just need to get a bit more music. But I've got a few things lined up for you.

Until now, though, I haven't found too much new stuff to share with you, musically. A bit, but not a massive amount. So I'm sharing something old. Well, not that old. It's Mr Little Jeans, who put out an EP last year titled Fevers, and the opening track Stitches is pretty amazing. It's an all-around fantastic EP, which I listen to on repeat. And I was listening to it on repeat this week. So I'm sharing it this week.

After listening to Fevers a bunch, I decided to go back and listen to Pocketknife, her debut album from back in 2014. I also decided to look her up, since I normally like to write a sentence or two about the artists in my blogs. I knew she was Scandinavian, so the goal was to confirm where she's from (it's Norway, though she now lives in LA). And then I found out that the name Mr Little Jeans apparently comes from a reference to a character in the Wes Anderson film Rushmore. Which is pretty amazing, since he's one of my favorite directors and that's my favorite film by him.

Anyway, on to maybe my favorite song by her (although Fevers is a close contender for the top spot). It's Good Mistake. I was actually pretty surprised to find out I never wrote about her when I started writing this blog, because I love this song and back in 2014 it was on repeat. So now you have two songs to play on repeat for yourself.

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