Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Feb 15 - Bells Atlas

I left off at Seville. We took our car and drove from Lisbon to Seville, which is only a few hours away. I went to Seville after high school, on my first trip to Europe, but honestly I don't really remember it. Which is weird, because it's amazing. It's all these twisty, tiny little alleys, which sounds normal for Europe, I guess, but somehow it's not. It's just beautiful. Honestly I can't even tell you what it is about it that's so different and special, but it is. Just go and visit and see for yourself.

We had like a day and a half there, basically. We rented this apartment, so we just chatted with our host when we got there for a bit, and then went to dinner and a flamenco show. Dinner was maybe one of the best meals I had in Europe, actually. We went to this little Spanish pub that a friend recommended and ate all these things he told us to which we were clueless about, and which were all incredible. There was this thing called pringa which is like stewed minced pork or something grilled in a little sandwich. And then there was this thing called adobo, which is not the same as the Mexican adobo, it's actually pickled, fried shark. And it was incredible. So we ate that and then watched flamenco, which was fun for me, but I've seen it before, so it was really more for my parents. I still loved it, but I'm sure it was a better experience for them.

The next day we had a walking tour around town in the morning with this wonderful free tour. The women just walked us around the city, as free tours do, but it ended up being just us, which was really nice. Especially for my parents who ask a ton of questions. So we took in all the sights, including the lovely Jewish quarter, before going to see the Alcazar. This is the old palace, which is also the location where they film the scenes for Dorne in Game of Thrones, so you may recognize its gardens from the show. It's this amazing palace that's got a ton of Moorish influence, as so many buildings in the area are. It's kind of like the little brother of the Alhambra in Granada. But since we weren't going to Granada, this was excellent. That's pretty much it for Seville. We also had dinner and churros and took in a panoramic view from the terrace on the roof of the mall, but I'm not really in the mood to write so I'm just going to stop now and play you some music.

Today's music comes from Bells Atlas. I found out about this Oakland band when I heard their newest single Spec and Bubble, which seems to be the first single off of an upcoming album. It was a great track, so I went to see what else was out there, and found a self titled album from 2013 and an EP from 2015. And both are fantastic. So I'll just play you one track from each, in chronological order, starting with Rain off of the album.

Great stuff, am I right? A bit of Little Dragon, a bit of Hiatus Kaiyote, a ton of soul. What more could you ask for? Well, more music. So first, go listen to the full self-titled album. This is one of the more laid back tracks, there's other great ones as well, like Incessant Noise. And then there's also Hyperlust, the EP from 2015. Only 4 songs, but 4 good ones. Actually, one of them, Bling, the closing track, is better than good. Better than very good. So listen to it now, then go listen to the whole EP, and then get excited for the next album, like I am.

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