Saturday, April 20, 2019

Apr 21 - LaTorre

Man I've got some catching up to do. I just got back from my Shanghai/Germany trip, where (after a few days of fun in Shanghai with the sister and friends) I spent like 9 days in a row in Germany working 14-16 hour days at a trade show.  Which, obviously, did not leave much time for blogging or music at all. But now I'm back and dealing with jetlag. And so I'm very tired right now but want to write something. So I'm going to write something just about music, specifically about LaTorre. So we're headed back to South America and still on the Spanish music, which, as you know, there's been a lot of this year.

I actually am not in the mood to share LaTorre right now, if I'm being honest. Today doesn't feel like her day. But, I'm jetlagged and can't think or write, and her music is great, and I don't want to think but I want to share something, and I've been wanting to share her music for a long time so there you go. So let's start out with her newest single, Desventura.

So Desventura came up on a playlist and I loved it. But It is very difficult to find out anything about this woman. All I've been able to find out is that she's Ecuadorian. Which is a new country for me, when we're talking about artists I listen to, so that's fun. Also, it's a country I very much want to go to. Actually the next time I go to South America I would really like to do a Colombia and Ecuador trip. Anyway other than knowing that LaTorre is Ecuadorian, I know she has 3 singles. That's it. I can't even find out her real name. Or maybe it's not just a her, it's a whole group of them? I have no clue. But I do know I like the music, and I think Ser Eternos might be my favorite. It might actually be Desventura, but I do know that I love Ser Eternos, especially the chorus.

And, since she only has 3 singles, I'll just put all 3 here. So we're finishing up with Temporal. And with a real video. Her/Their only real video.

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