Sunday, November 24, 2019

Nov 25 - HAIM / Sudan Archives / Pumarosa

So I'll be sharing a few songs with you today. Just a few great ones that I want to get into my playlist for the year. Nothing else that really links them today.

Up first is Hallelujah, the new single from HAIM. This is the 3rd single off their upcoming (and as-yet unannounced) third album. The first couple songs were nice. A bit poppy, but nice. This new one didn't really stand out to me the first time I heard it, but then the second time it totally grabbed me. And I've been listening to it on repeat. And it gets better with every listen. I've always thought HAIM sound a lot like Fleetwood Mac, and this song is another Fleetwood Mac-y one.

Then we have Confessions, by Sudan Archives. Sudan Archives is the project of singer and violinist Brittney Denise Parks. She's already put out a couple of EPs (and I'm surprised I never talked about them on the blog), and she's recently released her debut album, Athena. It's a solid album, and the best track is maybe Confessions, the lead single from the album. Another one I've been listening to on repeat.

And last up is Lose Control, by Pumarosa. Pumarosa I have written about before, becauase I loved the song Priestess off their debut album, The Witch. I liked the whole album, actually. And now they have a new album, called Devastation, which is also really great. Favorite song is probably Lose Control. There's something I just love about it. It's a bit brighter than most of their other songs, I think. They seem to be generally darker and dirtier, but this one really sticks out to me. Great song. Great album.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Nov 18 - Moses Sumney / Wye Oak

So a couple of exciting, unexpected releases last week. Just singles, but still, very exciting, because they're by people I am very excited about.

Up first is Moses Sumney. I guess this one isn't so surprising cause it's about time he put out new music. He put out his album nearly 2 years ago, so we're getting there. He has now announced a double album called grae. The first part will be 12 tracks and comes in February, then we have part two with 8 more tracks in May. So 20 new tracks! Very exciting! For now, there's only one, though, called Virile. It's a bit crazy, but pretty great. And he directed the video himself this time.

Then we have a new single from Wye Oak, which is a bit surprising. They haven't put out an album since 2018 either, but Andy Stack, who makes up half the band, just put out his solo album as Joyero, and Jenn Wasner, the other half, officially joined Bon Iver and has been touring with them. So I don't know when these two found time to get together and make music, and announce a tour for 2020, but they did. No album announcement yet, but for now we've got Fortune.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Nov 11 - Wolf Parade / The Districts / Elliot Moss

Today is my sister's birthday! Woohoo! And she's spending it in Japan! Boooooo! I mean, it's a great thing for her, I'm just very jealous. She has some leave she needs to use up before she finishes her job, so decided to book herself one last trip in Asia, and settled on Kyoto/Nara/Osaka. I totally wish I could be there, cause it's been over 10 years since I visited that part of Japan. Plus traveling with my sister is fun. But she's been doing it all on her own and having a great time! But I'm still very jealous. Instead, I'm stuck in the office, packing up and getting ready to move, cause tomorrow we officially move offices. Fun.

But before I leave the office for the day, here's a few new songs for you. Up first is Against the Day, the newest single from Wold Parade. I heard these guys for the first time when I was in Japan, actually, from one of my Canadian friends. They're a bit of a weird band, but they had this one song I loved called I'll Believe Anything, off their debut album from back in 2005. Apparently they have been doing stuff since 2005. They had two whole albums. But I think I missed them. I'm not sure. Anyway now they're prepping for album 4, and Against the Day is the first single from it. And it's a great one.

Then I've got another first single off a fourth album, this one being Hey Jo by The Districts. This is a band that I've heard of a million times and never actually listened to. I don't know why. They just never got my attention. But then this single came out last week and showed up on a few new music playlists, and it's a great one. So I may actually pay attention to this new album when it comes out.

And now we're switching lanes completely, musically, and listening to July 4, the new single from Elliot Moss. I didn't realize it, but I'd heard Elliot Moss before. He's also got a couple albums out (but one is actually kind of short, so maybe considered an EP), but those never made it onto my radar. It was his previous single, Barricade, that was on the playlists recently. But I didn't pay it much mind, until I heard July 4 and went back to listen to other stuff by him, that I realized I'd already heard him. Then I went and listened to the most recent album/EP, Boomerang, and it was ok. But July 4 is incredible. Listen to it on good speakers or headphones. It's fantastic. But not sure what to expect from an album. I guess we'll see soon, cause I'm definitely paying attention now!

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Nov 8 - Black Belt Eagle Scout / Twen / Jadu Heart

Alright, time for a bit more catch up on songs and bands to share to share. First up is an artist you should probably know about for a lot of reasons, Black Belt Eagle Scout. This is the stage name of Katherine Paul, a queer, Native American singer-songwriter who's basically fighting to get more representation for queer indigenous people. And she makes lovely music. She's probably the only Native American artist I know. Or at least the only one I know that I know. And I definitely know next to nothing about queer or gender non-conforming Native Americans. So just having her on my radar is a step in the right direction. She put out her second album this year, At The Party With My Brown Friends, and it's a great album. Let's start out with something that's a bit of a downer, but still lovely rock, Run It To Ya.

Then we've got something a bit happier, but still dreamy and hazy, My Heart Dreams.

Sticking with that dreamy, hazy, happy stuff, let's move on to Twen. They're quite impressive, in that they had a recording of a live performance released (subsequently titled Twen (Live)) back in 2017, which got a lot of buzz and kept them touring for 2 years until they finally released their debut album, Awestruck, this year. The band is just two friends who were making music on their own, and they had a lucky break. The whole album is lo-fi, dreamy rock, one of the best examples of which is the song Waste.

Lastly is a band who's been on my radar for a while, that I keep randomly hearing and going back to, then forgetting. That band is Jadu Heart, a duo from the northern UK who started making music together at university, got some buzz, and then graduated from music school and put out an album. A concept album, based on random conversations they had and characters in a universe they created. Many of whom appear in the video for The Cure, the opening track off their debut album, Melt Away. The Cure is a fantastic song, and I think it's come up on a bunch of playlists and every time I hear it I go and listen to Melt Away, then promptly forget about Jadu Heart. The album as a whole is just ok. But The Cure is fantastic. And there are a couple other great songs on there, but this is, by far, the best, and needs to be on my blog.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Nov 4 - Låpsley / Squirrel Flower

So today I'm sharing two songs that have been some of my favorite singles recently. Up first is My Love Was Like The Rain, the new single from Låpsley. It's off her upcoming EP, These Elements, and is the first thing she's releasing since her debut back in 2016. A debut I liked very much. And I like this song very much. Like, I think it might be one of her best songs, very much.

Then we've got Red Shoulder, the first official single from Squirrel Flower. This is what I read, anyway, when I heard the song (and immediately fell in love with it). But then I went on Spotify and she's got like 2 albums up there. Turns out she self-released a coupled of albums, and now she's signed and has an album coming out on a record label. That album is I Was Born Swimming and comes out next January. So until then at least we've got one excellent song, and a couple of older albums. I only listened to one, and the beginning was very strong, and very Mitski-esque. Then it sort of petered out at the end. But still, Red Shoulder is good enough to have me very, very excited.