Thursday, November 7, 2019

Nov 8 - Black Belt Eagle Scout / Twen / Jadu Heart

Alright, time for a bit more catch up on songs and bands to share to share. First up is an artist you should probably know about for a lot of reasons, Black Belt Eagle Scout. This is the stage name of Katherine Paul, a queer, Native American singer-songwriter who's basically fighting to get more representation for queer indigenous people. And she makes lovely music. She's probably the only Native American artist I know. Or at least the only one I know that I know. And I definitely know next to nothing about queer or gender non-conforming Native Americans. So just having her on my radar is a step in the right direction. She put out her second album this year, At The Party With My Brown Friends, and it's a great album. Let's start out with something that's a bit of a downer, but still lovely rock, Run It To Ya.

Then we've got something a bit happier, but still dreamy and hazy, My Heart Dreams.

Sticking with that dreamy, hazy, happy stuff, let's move on to Twen. They're quite impressive, in that they had a recording of a live performance released (subsequently titled Twen (Live)) back in 2017, which got a lot of buzz and kept them touring for 2 years until they finally released their debut album, Awestruck, this year. The band is just two friends who were making music on their own, and they had a lucky break. The whole album is lo-fi, dreamy rock, one of the best examples of which is the song Waste.

Lastly is a band who's been on my radar for a while, that I keep randomly hearing and going back to, then forgetting. That band is Jadu Heart, a duo from the northern UK who started making music together at university, got some buzz, and then graduated from music school and put out an album. A concept album, based on random conversations they had and characters in a universe they created. Many of whom appear in the video for The Cure, the opening track off their debut album, Melt Away. The Cure is a fantastic song, and I think it's come up on a bunch of playlists and every time I hear it I go and listen to Melt Away, then promptly forget about Jadu Heart. The album as a whole is just ok. But The Cure is fantastic. And there are a couple other great songs on there, but this is, by far, the best, and needs to be on my blog.

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