Sunday, November 10, 2019

Nov 11 - Wolf Parade / The Districts / Elliot Moss

Today is my sister's birthday! Woohoo! And she's spending it in Japan! Boooooo! I mean, it's a great thing for her, I'm just very jealous. She has some leave she needs to use up before she finishes her job, so decided to book herself one last trip in Asia, and settled on Kyoto/Nara/Osaka. I totally wish I could be there, cause it's been over 10 years since I visited that part of Japan. Plus traveling with my sister is fun. But she's been doing it all on her own and having a great time! But I'm still very jealous. Instead, I'm stuck in the office, packing up and getting ready to move, cause tomorrow we officially move offices. Fun.

But before I leave the office for the day, here's a few new songs for you. Up first is Against the Day, the newest single from Wold Parade. I heard these guys for the first time when I was in Japan, actually, from one of my Canadian friends. They're a bit of a weird band, but they had this one song I loved called I'll Believe Anything, off their debut album from back in 2005. Apparently they have been doing stuff since 2005. They had two whole albums. But I think I missed them. I'm not sure. Anyway now they're prepping for album 4, and Against the Day is the first single from it. And it's a great one.

Then I've got another first single off a fourth album, this one being Hey Jo by The Districts. This is a band that I've heard of a million times and never actually listened to. I don't know why. They just never got my attention. But then this single came out last week and showed up on a few new music playlists, and it's a great one. So I may actually pay attention to this new album when it comes out.

And now we're switching lanes completely, musically, and listening to July 4, the new single from Elliot Moss. I didn't realize it, but I'd heard Elliot Moss before. He's also got a couple albums out (but one is actually kind of short, so maybe considered an EP), but those never made it onto my radar. It was his previous single, Barricade, that was on the playlists recently. But I didn't pay it much mind, until I heard July 4 and went back to listen to other stuff by him, that I realized I'd already heard him. Then I went and listened to the most recent album/EP, Boomerang, and it was ok. But July 4 is incredible. Listen to it on good speakers or headphones. It's fantastic. But not sure what to expect from an album. I guess we'll see soon, cause I'm definitely paying attention now!

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