Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Feb 2 - Jack Garratt

I totally intended to write this blog last week, but time got away from me. It was a pretty crazy week. I got back from the States on a Wednesday, and as it turned out a friend moved into my place on Thursday. This friend being Daniel. I know Daniel originally through his (ex) girlfriend Daliah, the owner of the restaurant Daliah's, which I've written so much about. In fact, Daniel and Daliah are the ones I was out with until like 4am that one time and we ended up at a gay dance party and then Daniel became my boyfriend. Remember that? Well, sadly they broke up, and since Daniel and I are boyfriends he moved into my place for a week, and is now using it while I'm out of town (I'm in Germany now).

I was happy to help him out, but when he first moved in I was a bit hesitant about it, only because I recently lived with someone and just did not want to be living with anyone. I love my private time and personal space, and don't want it invaded. But it did not feel that way at all with Daniel. It was an absolute pleasure having him around. It reminded me of living with Rich back in Beijing, which was also an absolute pleasure. And Daniel and I get along fantastically. I would honestly say that in the last 2 weeks he's probably become one of my best friends. He's a fantastic guy and we just have a great time together, always, and never run out of things to talk about. And if we do, then we sit on the couch and watch Curb Your Enthusiasm together. It's pretty perfect. So yeah, that was the big news from my time back in Shanghai post-America. Other than that, there were a few good meals (of particular note was dinner at El Willy, one of my favorite Shanghai places, which I wore my new tuxedo jacket out for), and I saw Star Wars (quite disappointing, and a fell asleep a few times because of jetlag). Ummm, what else...? I bought a bunch of warm weather clothes at Uniqlo.... The weather was -7 C one weekend, which is the coldest in Shanghai in 30 years.... I went to synagogue once.... I had a date.... I really think none of these are really worth going into at length, but they did all happen.

I also finally listened to the BBC Sound of 2016 artists, and this year's winner is today's artist. Jack Garratt. He's British and has his first album, Phase, coming out next month, and today's song is Worry off of that album (notice how I called it today's song? And today's artist? I think I need to get out of that habit since I'm not doing daily blogs anymore. And I can also start sharing more than one song from an artist if I want, since it's not the song of the day anymore. But none of these changes will happen today). If you're a fan of Chet Faker, you will be a fan of Jack Garratt. I actually don't know why he didn't end up on my radio sooner, since he's already put out 2 or 3 EPs, and he's right up my alley. But I definitely think that he's a great candidate for the potential sound of 2016. It's a sound I would not mind having as my annual soundtrack. Not one bit.

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