Sunday, February 21, 2016

Feb 21 - Savages

Luckily today's entry is the shortest of our three, because i was out until 4 am and have done next to nothing today except get a massage and I just want to go to bed now. But I have to finish this post/trip. And our last stop was Munich.

My parents and I flew back to Munich from Tromso (well, back for me, but there for them). We got in late on the Saturday, and then ended up waiting in ridiculous lines to pick up the rental car. And it didn't help that we waited in the wrong line and then had to wait again. And if you include the time waiting for luggage and everything, then getting out of Munich airport took us longer than the flight from Stockholm to Munich. It was ridiculous. But luckily at the end of it all were the Mangs.

I always stay with them in Germany, and have definitely written about them (and their 5-year-old son Henry, my best friend) many times, and now they got to meet my parents. They even hosted my parents. They're the best. We had Sunday together, and decent weather, so we went for brunch and then out for a long walk in the English Garden. It was great. We watched some surfers, we had some chats, we saw puppies and horses, and we sat in a beergarden and had lunch and beers. That was pretty much the day. It was fantastic.

Then it was back to work for me. My parents were pretty much just hanging out in Munich and being tourists while I went to work, and then we'd hang out in the evenings. Which pretty much just meant having dinner together and chatting for a while, nothing too exciting since everything was already closed by the time I got back. But it was very nice, and anyway the point was to spend time with my parents, which I did. They did take the train up to Schrobenhausen to meet me one day, and I showed them around town then we had dinner in a 12th century abbey/brewery on the way back to Munich, so that was something. But otherwise, just hanging out. It was great. And then I left and came back to China and they went on to Dresden (where they are now) and tonight will go to Berlin. Then home on Wednesday. I'll still be in Shanghai on Wednesday. At the office. Boo.

See, nice and short. And music should be quick too, cause it's a band I've shared before. Savages put out their new album, Adore Life, in January, and I listened to it (and subsequently purchased it) during the trip. It's a great one. I surprisingly love it. I wasn't so into the first album until I saw them live (they put on a great, energy-packed live show), but this second one I'm totally down with. My favorite track is Adore. I think it may even make it to my favorite tracks of the year. And it's surprisingly not so rock-y. In fact it reminds me of some of Jeff Buckley's more rock heavy songs. But it's beautiful and fantastic and I especially love the end when all the music stops and the vocals come to front and center, loud and clear, and she declares that she adores life. Great song. Great lyrics. Loving it, and this entire album.

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