Saturday, March 11, 2017

Mar 11 - Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever / +++++++++++

And now we have a lazy Saturday. This was planned, but not wanted. Sadly I had to get my water heater repaired, and just like back home they told me they'd come some time between 12:30 and 5:30. So I planned to sit here all day. Which is too bad, because my friends invited me to this wine tasting event on like the 87th floor of a fancy hotel which would have been super fun. But instead, here I am on my couch. So what have I done today? Pretty much nothing. A bit of laundry, got a couple packages delivered, watched a bit of TV, skyped a friend, and listened to a bunch of new music. There's all kinds of new music out. Also, one of my deliveries as my iPod, which had the screen cracked and I got it repaired. So I also had to buy a bunch of music from the last week or so and put it all on there.

I feel like this was my first big purchase of music this year. Lots of good stuff in the last couple weeks. And some stuff I didn't like enough to buy. So before I share music, here's a list of things I bought or pre-ordered:

Ravyn Lanae - Midnight Moonlight EP (her new EP, also fantastic. I'm totally obsessed with her)
Future Elevators - Future Elevators (debut album, maybe blogging about it some other time)
Clap! Clap! - A Thousand Skies
Middle Kids - Middle Kids EP (debut EP, also maybe blogging about it some other time)
Bewilderbeast - Unreal_Estate
Laura Marling - Semper Femina (FINALLY! Love this woman. Already listened a few times, but needs a good listen with headphones before I maybe blog about it)
Little Dragon - Season High (Super excited for this one)
Electric Guest - Plural (Maybe I already blogged about them? Maybe not? If I didn't, I might. But if nothing else, I blogged about their first album a long time ago)
alt-j - Relaxer (no comment necessary)
Fleet Foxes - Crack-up (May also get a blog soon, cause the debut single is 8 minutes of fantastic)
Jay Som - Everybody Works
Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever - The French Press EP

Some of those I've blogged about so need no intro. But go listen to all of them if you haven't already.

And today, we focus on Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever, or Rolling Blackouts C.F. The French Press is the 2nd EP for these Melbourne rockers, and it's a great one. With 3 lead singers, it can get a bit confusing when the voices change on different songs. But I have confirmed they are the same band with different singers. And to start, here is French Press, the title track.

Good one, right? Tons of fun. So this band came through recommendation by LA's local NPR affiliate, which I get a lot of music from. I'm on their music mailing list, as well as their normal mailing list. And their normal mailing list doesn't usually include music. So when it does, you know you should pay attention. And that's where I heard about Rolling Blackouts C.F. The French Press is actually their 2nd EP. The first one is good too, but I much prefer this one. It's a lot more fun. And the most fun? Julie's Place. Definitely their best. So much fun. It makes me want to do the awkward white boy wiggle.

OK, I just decided to do something. Since I listed all that music, I'm going to put one song from each of those albums. Or in the case that there is only one song so far released from that album and it has already been blogged, I am going to put any old song I choose by the band (i.e. alt-j). So here we go, from the top.

My choice for Ravyn Lenae is Last Breath.

From Future Elevators, it's Alabama Song.

Next track from Clap! Clap! is A Thousand Skies Under Cepheus' Erudite, mostly because it features John Wizards.

Middle Kids have a great debut EP, and the most popular track is, by far, Edge of Town.

For Bewilderbeast, we'll go with Swimming. Not to be confused with Swimming II, which comes 2 tracks later and is a single.

Laura Marling is definitely the hardest to choose. I love this woman and I feel I'm not doing her justice picking a song without giving the album a proper listen and figuring out which song is the best. But we'll go with the closing track, Nothing, Not Nearly, because it's beautiful and has a way of sticking with you.

Little Dragon only has one other single from the new album, and that's High. I think it was a surprising choice for their debut after being gone for like 3 years.

Electric Guest's new album is pretty solid. I don't like the first song, but the 2nd track, Glorious Warrior, is great, and where the album really gets started for me. I'm not sure what my favorite track is yet, but I know I love this one.

Like I said, alt-j has only released one song from the new album. So I'm picking an old song. And it's Warm Foothills. Because duh.

Fleet Foxes have a new single from their upcoming album, the album being Crack-Up and the song being Third of May / Odaigahara.

And finally, Jay Som. This one is The Bus Song.

And there's a ton of music for you. That was fun.

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