Sunday, November 4, 2018

Nov 5 - ROSALIA / Empress Of

We made it to day 3 in a row! Go me. I'm exhausted. Not cause of this, just cause I didn't sleep well. This is easy. I don't know why I didn't sleep well. I slept fantastically on Friday and rally well on Saturday, then horribly last night. Very annoying.

I did meet some new people last night! So a friend of mine had invited me to this "Meaningful Connections" event, where you go and get a list of meaningful questions to spark discussion with new people. It made me very uncomfortable, but I figured it was probably good for me. So I went. Even though my friend cancelled. I still decided to go. And it turned out to be pretty good. Some of the questions definitely made me very uncomfortable, but we didn't actually go through the questions very much. But just the fact that everyone was there with the intention of being open and meeting new people let do really good conversation and I met some really good people. There were 3 people in particular who I spent most of the evening talking with, and now we have all exchange info and will hang out. Still no Aussies, though. It was me, a Brit, and Indian and a Kiwi. Oh well. The Aussies will come eventually.

And today is day 3 in lady music, and it's all about the Latin ladies today. Starting out with ROSALIA. Who is amazing. She's a Spanish singer who has been credited with reviving flamenco music, although she hasn't really. What she's done is taken flamenco vocal and musical stylings and made it into extremely interesting pop music. On the poppy side, there's PIENSO EN TU MIRA Cap. 3: Celos, which is by far my favorite track on the album. I think I've listened to it about 10 times just today. I love everything about this song.

So that song was the second single off her new album, El Mal Querer. The other track I want to share by her is a bit of a weird choice. It's DE AQUI NO SALES Cap. 4 Disputa. I'm choosing this one because it very clearly shows both how she uses more traditional Flamenco styles in her vocals and well as her music, and then how she just completely flips it and uses completely modern instruments and styles. It's such a weird song. Definitely the weirdest one on the album. But maybe also the most intriguing. This album really is amazing.

And the other Latin lady who's just released her sophomore album is Empress Of. I loved her first album, Me, back in 2015, and the follow up, Us, is good, but not as good. More straightforward latin-dancy-pop sound, whereas I found the first album to be quite original. But still a good sound. And a few tracks I really like. In particular When I'm With Him.

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