Sunday, October 16, 2011


I was talking to the infamous ベス the other day as she's planning a trip to LA, which just so happens to be my home(-ish). She's headed out there at the end of the month, and I am of course very sad that I won't be there to see her. However, in the spirit of helping her enjoy her time to the fullest while in the City of Angels, we were discussing shows and venues for her to see shows while she's there. I did a little snooping around the internet and was actually a bit disappointed with the poor show of acts in town while she's there. There's a shitload of great stuff the week before and after she's around, but I was having trouble finding anything really good to recommend. Just as I was ready to give up on my search, though, I came across gold. And gold is as follows:

I started listening to tUnE-yArDs when her first album came out a couple years ago, and at first I thought she was pretty weird. I kept listening, though, because her voice is so powerful and moving that I thought she deserved to be heard. And it all worked out, because the more I listened, the more I came to love her. She released her sophomore album earlier this year, and the first single off of it is Bizness, which is above. I think this is possibly her best song to date, but there are a lot of great tracks on both of her albums.

Just for fun, here's Fiya, one of my favorites off the first album.

I've never seen her, or heard her, live, but I imagine she's just as raw and powerful, and this is something I wouldn't want to miss. So if you happen to be in the Greater Los Angeles area on November 1st or 2nd, go see her. She's playing at UCLA (I'm guessing Royce Hall) on the 1st, and at the Music Box in Hollywood on the 2nd. And I imagine ベス will be there, and she's awesome, so you'll also get to hang out with her which is an added bonus.

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