Wednesday, May 11, 2016

May 11 - Moderat

This is a first. Two blogs in one day. But this morning's didn't really count. I just wanted to share a song that was stuck in my head. And since I worked from home today I actually have time to write a real blog also. Which was always my plan, even if sharing the song this morning wasn't. So now I write a real one.

So I left off with Japan. I was still very busy after Japan, but with nothing of note. I got back and then the next morning went to Tianjin for work. Then I came back from Tianjin on the Friday and went to Ningbo for work over the weekend. That was about it. I was also in a terrible mood, despite the wonderful time in Tokyo. I'm not really sure why, but when I got back from Ningbo and met friends for dinner on Sunday I was in a very good mood, like really really good mood which then lasted for days, so I think it was just the fact that I have been on the go with next to no personal time since I went to Germany over a month ago. And now that I have it back and am at home for more than one night at a time, I'm happy again. So that's good.

It also helps that there's plenty of great new music. I mentioned a bunch of these new albums that came out the other day, and the one I'll be sharing today is Moderat. They just put out their third album, titled III, which is the first album I hear from them. And I really like it. The first of my favorite tracks is Running.

For some reason I think that girl int he picture is a vampire. Is it just me? Anyway, the other favorite is Finder. So that's your real blog for the day, as boring as it was, and also some more music for you.

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