Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May 4 - Larry Gus

Ok I'm way behind again. I meant to write this before going to Tokyo last weekend, because I knew I'd have to write a lot about Tokyo. But last week was just crazy.

After coming back, Passover basically started right away. I got into China on Thursday night, went to work Friday, then from work went straight to someone's house for first Seder (I'm just gonna assume if you read this you know all about being Jewy. Ok? Ok.), which ended up going until like midnight. Not because it was a long or traditional Seder, quite the opposite, it just lasted late cause we were chatting. And then I woke up the next morning to buy Damien Rice tickets (he's playing two shows in Shanghai on my birthday), but they only allowed you to buy 1 ticket at a time and I needed like 7, plus it sold out in literally five minutes. And this is the second show on that day which they only organized because the first one also sold out in five minutes. I don't get it at all. Anyway, I'm not seeing Damien Rice. Boo.

Then I started cooking. Because I had like 12 people over to my house for second seder. And I decided I was going to make a brisket, which I've never done before. This is on top of the regular hard-boiled eggs and charoset and matzoh ball soup, plus I was asked to make latkes. I made all of this. Alone. It was nuts. I had planned to go see my friend speak at Tedx that afternoon also and had to cancel cause I was so stressed. But I did it! And it was great! And it started out with only like 6 people, which meant we got through the pre-dinner ceremony stuff and then everyone showed up right before the meal, so it was perfect. Then we ate and said a couple quick prayers and then we just drank until most people left except like 3 friends who stayed until 2am drinking more, dancing to Prince music and doing face swaps. Good times.

So all of this happened in quick succession and it was only on the Sunday that I actually had any time to sit and think. Except I also ended up really busy Sunday, I don't even remember doing what, and only got to the things I'd been putting off for 2 weeks at like 6pm. But I did get to them. And I cooked more food for the week, as I do on Passover. It's the only time of the year I cook, actually. And this continued all week, me coming home from work, cooking, doing a bit of prep for the Tokyo bachelor party (or on one night working late), then going to sleep. It was crazy. But then I went to Tokyo. That was crazy, too, but different crazy. I'll tell you about it later.

As for music, today is Larry Gus. That's not the singer's name, even if it sounds like it is. He's some Greek guy (which means his name is actually impossible to pronounce or spell) and Larry Gus is a stylized writing of larygus which I guess means voice in like Ancient Greek or something like that. I heard him somewhere recently (I can't tell you where, I've had like no time to listen to new music either. I can barely keep up this last few weeks), and I'm finally getting around to telling you about him. The first song I heard, and probably still my favorite is The Sun Describes.

So this song is off his new album, I Need New Eyes. It's a great album. Well, when I first listened I thought it was. After buying and listening more closely, I think it's a very good and interesting album, with some really great tracks, and it's extremely unique with a very eclectic mix of influences from all over the world, which I really appreciate. But the album isn't as good as I first thought. The good songs, though, are amazing. Like Black Veil of Fail, the opening track, which is super impressive and is probably one reason why I was immediately drawn to the album.

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