Saturday, May 28, 2016

May 29 - Damien Rice

It feels like much longer since I wrote a blog. The last one was before my birthday, so I guess that would be the right topic to discuss today.

It was my birthday last week, but unfortunately there was a wedding on my birthday which about 90% of my friends were going to. Also there were plenty of other events going on, so I didn't really organize any party or anything. I made plenty of plans, and friends came and met up throughout the weekend, but there was no celebration per se. There were celebrations at other events or gatherings, but nothing specific to me. Which actually was ok. Normally I get really excited about my birthday and try to plan something big, but this year I didn't really feel a need. I think it was probably because so much other stuff was going on so I just decided not to worry about it, or maybe I'm juts growing up. But I'd like to think I can be 98 and still get excited about my birthday and want to celebrate. I'll report back next year on any changes.

My friend Shuk-wah came up from Hong Kong for my birthday, though, which was wonderful. This is the same friend I went to see in HK over New Year's, and it was awesome to have her come and visit. She got in on the Friday night, and of course I took her for tacos at Pocho's. Then from Saturday the birthday events began (actual birthday was Sunday), with small events here and there. First it was crepes for brunch, then some glasses market for Shuk-wah, and then there was this Supper Club food festival we went to. Sadly the weather sucked and it was outdoors (mostly), but it was still a good time with lots and lots of delicious food. After Supper Club we went to a housewarming. I actually think the housewarming and the wedding on Sunday were the main reasons I didn't plan anything. A lot of my friends are leaving soon, and lately I feel like I really need to get out there and meet more people or I'll have no friends come 2017, so I really really wanted to go to this houseparty. And I'm glad I did. I had a great time, and I did exchange wechat with a few people, so now I just need to follow up and try to actually do something and build friendships. We'll see how that goes.

Then on Sunday we were going for grilled cheese for lunch. Obviously. Where else would I spend my birthday? But that wasn't even the highlight. The highlight was Damien Rice. I'm sure I've mentioned already that he was coming and playing on my birthday and how the concert sold out within 5 minutes so they added another which sold out within 5 minutes as well. As it would turn out, someone I have never met but who was on my wechat happened to have 2 tickets available, and I got them! So we went, and it was incredible. He was playing at the Shanghai Symphony Hall, and it turned out to be a solo acoustic show. I've seen him before, so I wasn't too upset that I wasn't going to see him, but after going and actually seeing what he did on the day, I am so happy I was there and would have died if I had missed it. From the very beginning it was incredible. He walked out onto stage (in a symphony hall, mind you, so it has amazing acoustics), and instead of going to the microphone, he took his guitar, went and kneeled on the front of the stage, and played this song, with no mic, no speakers, nothing. Just him and his guitar.

The Professor & La Fille Danse! He opened with that! In 2016! I was amazed, and so happy. I knew I was in for something special. He did put out a new album a couple years ago, My Favorite Faded Fantasy, and it was good, but for me not on the same level as his first two albums. So for him to come out and play an amazing b-side track from the early 2000s. Amazing. And it sounded amazing. And that wasn't the only b-side. He also played Woman Like A Man, one of my favorite tracks that I absolutely never expected. Granted, I like it more on the recorded version because the drums are awesome, but still, so happy.

He played pretty much everything I would have wanted to hear (minus Rootless Tree, but I imagine the sensors would not have liked him playing a song where he just screams out Fuck You for the chorus). He also did Cannonball completely acoustic with no mics or anything. And then for Volcano, probably my favorite song by him, he actually asked if any women in the audience knew the lyrics, and got a Chinese woman to come up on stage and sing Lisa Hannigan's part. And he split us into rounds at the end and everything and it was beautiful and wonderful and I'm so happy I got to go.

So yeah, that was definitely the highlight. and then I ate Yunnan food. Yum. All around, good birthday weekend!

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