Sunday, December 17, 2017

Dec 18 - Unno

I did not get nearly enough sleep last night. I had a Chrismukkah party, which was wonderful. We wore ugly sweaters, I made latkes, we played dreidel, there was mulled wine. There were also many ugly sweaters. Mine was basically a hideous persian rug that I wore on my body (but actually it was a sweater it just looked like a hideous persian rug), and even though I searched specifically for men's, i think it was a women's. But I wasn't even close to having the worst. My friends Xiaoyu and Nikki had even more hideous ones that were ugly and covered in 3D elements like Christmas stockings and bells and fake fur and things that only a twisted mind could come up with. It was a job well done. So yeah, we had all the good stuff. And it was only 9 of us, which is maybe the smallest dinner party I've ever had, but it was wonderful. I love that size, cause we can all sit around the table and eat together. But I am very tired today because I was basically prepping/cooking with my friend Judith from about 10am and people were over until I kicked them out at like 11:30pm. Well, Judith came at 10am, I went to yoga while she started prepping, then I came back around noon and we had lunch and prepped and hung out until people showed up at 4.

Judith was the only one there cause we had combined forces for this holiday. I wanted to have a Channukah party, and she wanted to do her annual Austrian cookie baking. But Channukah is right now, and she and her boyfriend are leaving back to Europe this week, so we just did it together. And we didn't do it on Saturday because we had a going away party for our friend Mwende on Friday, which lasted until the wee hours of Saturday morning, and we did not want to spend the entire day cooking Saturday. Which was a smart choice. But then that meant I had company until very late and didn't sleep enough and now I'm feeling very tired and lazy and don't want to do anything at work. But I also don't want to think and type. Which is why I'm typing without thinking. Pretty clever, huh?

So yeah, I'm tired. I'm bored. VPN isn't working well. But I've only got a couple hours left of work and then I get to go home and do nothing. That's my plan for the next two weeks: do nothing. Or as little as possible. I have been very busy lately, and I honestly just want to sit on my couch and not be social and recharge my brain before things get super crazy again in January, which they will. Because, as usual, I can tell you where I'll be pretty much every week from Jan 1 until the end of April already. Fun times.

So I guess all that's left in this nonsensical rambling is to play you some music. Today I'm playing you Unno. I don't know much about these guys, except that they're French and they have an album out called Amaai. It's actually a Japanese word that I didn't know but which has a really nice meaning. Amaai apparently means "between two rainstorms" and refers to a moment of clarity between distractions. Kind of nice. I actually thought it was Japanese when I first saw it, but then at one point on my commute home I was thinking about whether it was Japanese or not, and I was remembering it as Umaai, not Amaai, and I thought it meant "horse love." It does not. But maybe they like horses also.

I'm sharing the first two tracks: Comets and Amaai. They are pretty fantastic. But then the album goes a bit downhill. Not bad, just not nearly this good and a bit boring. But these two are great so I'm just gonna put them here and stop talking. Enjoy!

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