Monday, December 25, 2017

Dec 25 - The Staves and yMusic / Brigid Mae Power

Holy shit, what a boring day at work. There is nothing to do. And I actually have staff here today. Nobody will be here for the next two days. I can only imagine how bad it's gonna get. I might have to watch a movie or something. And with my staff gone, that's actually not impossible....

But oy am I bored today. And I'll stay bored tonight. I had a very quiet weekend, which I wanted. After having all those visitors and staying super busy, now nobody is here anymore so I took the chance to be non-social. I did yoga Saturday and Sunday, and I actually went on a Tinder date on Saturday for lunch (it was meh, nothing to report), but then I just stayed home and watched tv and movies and read and relaxed. Sunday was a bit more social. We did a non-traditional traditional Jewish Christmas. Basically, 2 Jews, 5 Chinese and 1 real Christian guy went out to lunch, but instead of Chinese food we had Indian food. Good alternative. And I'll order in Chinese tonight. And I went to the movies and watched Loving Vincent, which is a beautiful, hand-painted film. Pretty spectacular actually. Oh! And on Friday I booked my ticket to Australia for Chinese New Year! As well as LCD Soundsystem tickets, and Laneway tickets, and I'll see Lucius there, too! It's gonna be a great trip.

So yeah, very chill weekend. Watched lots of tv and movies. Had minimal social interaction. And I feel much better than I was feeling the last few weeks. But I am totally unstimulated mentally and going a bit crazy, at least at the office.

So I'll take a bit of time and share some music with you. First is The Way Is Read, one of the tracks off The Staves new album. Somehow they came up on a playlist of new songs from artists I've listened to in the past, but I'm not sure when I ever listened to them. But anyway it was brought to my attention that they have a new album out, this being their third. They being The Staves, a trio of sisters who sing folky music. But this year they put out an album called The Way Is Read, together with a chamber music group called yMusic. And it's a very pretty album. The title track is my favorite, but the whole album is really nice.

And then there's Don't Shut Me Up (Politely), the new single form Brigid Mae Power. I haven't looked her up at all because she only has this one single and an EP which is not good. Really boring. But this single is really good, so I'm hoping this is the start of something new. But until I know it is, I don't care enough about her to look her up and find anything out. But you can listen to this. And now I only have to kill 15 more minutes before I get to go home!

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