Friday, December 22, 2017

Dec 22 - Wild Belle / Elbow

As usual, the week went from super dead to somewhat busy. Not super busy, but busier. I still spent the morning today doing nothing, but then I got busy, and htese last couple hours have been actually busy. Yesterday also felt busy, but probably because I spent like 2 hours on the phone, first in a Japanese class, then with my sister, then with my niece. I think I got my niece convinced to go to Stanford. Which would be amazing if she really did decide that and if she can get in. It's already amazing enough that she wants to be a mechanical engineer. But a mechanical engineer from Stanford? Hell yes.

Also last night I went to see Legally Blonde the Musical. It was pretty hilarious. There's been more plays coming to China, and I've talked about it before, and I think it's great. But what I realized last night is I really have to readjust my expectations. These international touring companies are always a bit disappointing because I'm expecting a touring company like back home, but that is not what it is. The sets are really pared down, and I'd even say the talent is a bit sub-par. Last night was a really obvious case of pared down sets, and I kind of hated the sets. I don't know what the original ones were like, but these were not good. Like, distractingly bad. But I just need to accept this and go in knowing this, and then I'm sure I'll start enjoying the plays more. Anyway, I'm not gonna stop going and I'm happy to have them here, one way or another. I'd say the highlight of last nights show was the "Gay or European" song. The play was so weird and random. In a good way. I laughed a lot.

So now I'm just gonna get a couple songs out of the way that I've been meaning to share with you for a long time. Well, one I've been meaning to share for a long time, and one I just decided to share even though I heard it a long time ago. The first is Untamed Heart, one of the new singles from Wild Belle. This brother and sister duo have put out a few singles this year, and they are pretty good. In particular Untamed Heart. I liked it enough to go listen to their album from 2016, which was nothing special. But this song is super cool.

Then there's Magnificent (She Says), from Elbow's new album Little Fictions. I shared the title track from that album back at the beginning of the year when the album came out. But the band came back on my radar this month when they started showing up on a bunch of Best of 2017 lists. So I listened to the album again. And it is a really nice album, but I still stand by my earlier judgement that overall it's just ok and I felt like it didn't go anywhere. But the title track (which I shared earlier this year) and the opening track (which I'm sharing now) are both beautiful. So now both of them are saved in my blog for eternity.

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