Monday, March 4, 2019

Mar 5 - Dijon

I'm back on the concert circuit tonight, starting with Snail Mail. After a concert-full January, February was a bit quiet. I had Laneway and Cat Power. I think that was it But now I have a concert tonight, I may go to another on Sunday, and then 3 more this month. Plus a musical. Good times. And April will be even better times. I have a one week period after coming back from Germany where I'll have 4 concerts in less than a week. Great times.

But I'm not here to talk about any of the people who I'll be seeing live. I'm here to talk about Dijon, a new artist that popped up last night, and who I'm really enjoying. He's just released his debut EP, Sci Fi 1, which was clearly influenced by Frank Ocean's album Blonde. Specifically the song Ivy, which I love. So much. The first song I heard by Dijon was Dog Eyes, and the similarities are obvious. Which is probably why I loved this song right away.

So then I went and listened to the whole EP, and it's all very similar. Minimal, raw, acoustic songs that all clock in at 3 minutes or less. In fact, Dog Eyes is the longest at 2:57. It almost feels like little snippets of songs, probably also due to the fact that the songs are so raw and sound like demos. But I love them all. My other favorite is probably Bad Luck, the closing track. Which, again, just sort of ends abruptly after picking up beautifully. Starting out beautifully. Picking up beautifully. Really this guy makes beautiful music. I am definitely looking forward to more from him.

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