Tuesday, June 6, 2017

June 6 - Jain / BOSCO

I found out about the most amazing thing last night: plug-in, odorless mosquito killers! Basically, I slept like 3 hours on Sunday night because somehow I had like half a dozen mosquitoes in my house. I have never had so many at once. I don't ever even remember having 2 at once! But I definitely had at least 3 on Sunday night (of which I managed to kill 2 and one kept me up all night). And then on Monday I had at least 4. But this was after having learned about these mosquito killers. You just plug them into the wall and I guess they give off something that is odorless but kills mosquitoes. Raid makes it. I hope it won't eventually kill me too. But that might be worth it. So despite the 4 mosquitoes on Monday night (of which I killed 3), I slept just fine because the thing did it's job and must have killed the 4th! Hooray!

And since we're talking about new discoveries, today's music will be new (as opposed to new music from not so new artists, which was the other choice for today). We're starting off with Jain. Apparently she's not so new. Her album, Zanaka, came out in 2015. I had heard about her a few moths ago, and I think I listened to an EP or something. Not sure what I listened to. But I definitely listened to something. And while it was enjoyable, it wasn't good enough for me to take anything away from and share with you. But then I heard the song Makeba, which is the 2nd single from the album, and that is worth sharing. That song is amazing. And there's a lot going on there. So basically, Jain is French but is an expat kid or something and grew up around Dubai and Congo and Abu Dhabi before moving back to Paris for art school, so you'll definitely hear some interesting stuff going on in her music. Nothing from South America, though, but this song Makeba ,which is just fantastic, somehow reminds me of Bomba Estereo. The album is otherwise decent. It's interesting pop, pretty unique and fun, and there are some other good songs, but nothing really amazing for me.

And then there's BOSCO. She's a producer, but maybe also a singer? I'm not sure. But she has a mixtape out and then she put out this song Castles with another band, St. Beauty. These St. Beauty ladies are apparently signed to Janelle Monae's label, but their other two singles I heard were not very good. So I'm gonna credit Castles completely to BOSCO and maybe go listen to more of her stuff instead.

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