Friday, June 30, 2017

July 1 - St. Vincent / Tourist / Werkha / Moses Sumney

Being back in Shanghai has me feeling a bit better. Not completely, but much more. I think I've figured out some things that I'm unhappy about. Not that I would ever talk about them in a public forum like this, even with only 2 readers. But anyway, at least I've got some constructive ideas at this point. But now it's time for a very relaxed weekend. I have basically no plans. Had dinner at home with a friend last night before he went back to Singapore. Gym today and tomorrow. Japanese class. Talk to my landlord about renewing the lease. The only real plan I have is to go to this festival this afternoon, which actually wasn't the plan originally. My friend Julia just got back after a 3 week trip so we were going to hang out. I thought we'd just hang out at her place or something, but we'll go to this festival instead, which will be nice. It's basically this Shanghai local business/craft/food festival that happens twice a year, and is always nice.

And then there's some great new music to listen to. Which is why I have 4 tracks to share today. All new singles from artists I like/love which came out this week. The first one falls in the love category. Very solidly so. No doubt about it: I love St. Vincent and everything she does. She is an amazing woman. And she finally has a new single, titled New York. She actually put out the song Teenage Talk after releasing her last album, St. Vincent. But that was for a TV Show. Now we have the first single for a new album. And a new tour in the works. It's exciting times. This one is pretty classic St. Vincent to me. Not as much guitar shredding as she likes to put up front, but the sound is right in her wheelhouse.

Next up is Tourist. You may remember him as the solo project of one of the Disclosure guys, who I wrote about I think last year. He's got a new single out also, this one much more chill than the songs I loved from him on his first album, and featuring Ardyn on the vocals, who I also wrote about here last year. This one is called We Stayed Up All Night, and it took a couple listens to realize how much I like it, but I really do.

Up third is the newest single from Werkha. I wrote about him almost 1 year ago to the day, and at the time had very much trouble figuring out who he was. I had heard this amazing song Dusk and managed to find it, but was very confused because of inconsistent information. Well now I know for sure I was right about that song and about this new one. This new one is called Shakedown Radio, and it features Bryony Jarman-Pinto on vocals, much like Dusk did. It's not as good as Dusk, but it's definitely a good one. Werkha knows how to make a good beat. And Bryony Jarman-Pinto has a lovely voice. It's the lead single from a new EP coming out later in July, called We Communicate, and it's a great way to kick off his return after 2 years.

And lastly is Moses Sumney. I love this guy. He's a weirdo, but I adore him. He took a lot of getting used to at first. But now that I have, I'm so happy I did. I'll be seeing him at FYF Fest in a few weeks (!!!!), and just in time he's also put out the new song Doomed, the first single since his Lamentations EP last year. And the most exciting part about this is it's the first single off of his upcoming debut album! Not sure what that album is called or when it's coming out, but at least it's coming.

And that wasn't even it for the week. There are new singles from Drake, new songs from Broken Social Scene and Arcade Fire and The Japanese House, new albums from Shakey Graves and Washed Out and Kacy Hill. So I guess today's theme is first single in a long time or from an upcoming project by an artist who I love/like.

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