Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sept 13 - Wolf Parade

I'm in Sri Lanka now, which is the business trip I've been waiting for. I came last year for holiday and loved it, and I have a couple friends here, so I've been wanting to come back. Sadly now that I have, my friends are not really in town! Sucks. Well, one of them is today only, the other is not. So I'll have dinner with one tonight and not see the other. And I won't be spending the weekend like I wanted to since they're going to be out of town with family anyway. So not exactly the trip I was hoping for, but still nice. And the food is amazing. I just had a fantastic lunch of kottu roti, which is basically the Sri Lankan version of friend rice, but made with yesterday's leftover roti and cooked with curry. In this case fish curry, which is my favorite version of kottu roti. And I had it at this place I was recommended last time that I didn't get to, and holy shit it was amazing. So I'm a happy boy. Come to think of it, I had fish curry for breakfast too. I think I just love fish curry here. I know I love curry in general, but in Sri Lanka maybe it's the fish type specifically.

So there's this song I've been thinking of sharing for a couple of weeks since I first heard it. But then I didn't and then I kept hearing it, and now I definitely am. It's You're Dreaming, the latest single from Canadian indie rockers Wolf Parade. They went on hiatus back in 2011 after their third album, and then came back last year with an EP. And now there's a new album on the way, called Cry Cry Cry, and You're Dreaming is the second single. And it's a great one.

I first heard them many moons ago when I was living in Japan, actually. They had just put out their first album, Apologies to the Queen Mary, and a friend introduced me to them. And I immediately fell in love with the song I'll Believe in Anything. I didn't like the album enough to keep paying attention after that, so I missed albums 2 and 3 (plus this was in the pre-Spotify days when it was harder to keep track), but I will definitely have a listen to album 4. But here's a throwback to Album 1.

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