Thursday, September 21, 2017

Sept 21 - Kelly Lee Owens / Lapalux

I'm sitting at the airport in Malaysia waiting for my flight, which is now delayed 15 minutes. I should be leaving in 25 minutes, but the plane still isn't here. Hopefully we don't get delayed too much, though, because I'm supposed to get off the plane in Singapore and go straight to meet a friend of a friend, who's taking me to another friend's house for a Rosh Hashana dinner. And I don't want to be super late. I'm already going to be late, so I just don't want to be even later. Plus Rosh Hashana started last night and I couldn't go to synagogue at all, because there is no synagogue in Kuala Lumpur. I'm kind of shocked. I know Malaysia is a Muslim country, but I expected there to at least be a Chabad. But I guess not. So I'm flying to Singapore tonight to go to synagogue in the morning, and at least do something Jewy for Rosh Hashana.

But while I'm sitting here waiting I can update this blog with some songies. Three very chilled out songies from two pretty chilled out artists. The first artist is Kelly Lee Owens. She just put out her debut eponymous album back in March or so, and I heard about her a few months ago but didn't pay much attention. She came up on a blog about artists to look out for at FYF, the music festival I was going to. And I liked the song they played by her, but not enough to pay more attention. And then I heard the song Lucid and am really paying attention. Take a listen.

Pretty good, right? Especially that last minute or so. So that got me to listen to the album, and it's all pretty chilled out and wonderful. And now I am a bit sad I missed her at FYF. But I'm just gonna go with there's someone else I like more that I would have chosen over her anyway, so no worries. But here's another song I really like: Bird.

And while we're playing super-chilled-out-electro-ish music, let's listen to Lapalux. I don't care enough to look this guy or girl or group up. I've heard them before, so I recognize the name, and then I heard this song Flickering, which features JFDR, and really love it. But it's like the only really good one off this album, and there's a bunch of weird and not so good stuff on this album. But listen to this wonderful song and chill out.

And now my plane is here, so here I go! Good timing!

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