Thursday, July 18, 2019

Jul 19 - Blood Cultures / Penelope Isles

This week has felt extremely long. I spent Monday and Tuesday in Auckland, flying back Wednesday morning, and then didn't come into the office Wednesday. And yesterday just had one meeting in the morning before coming in for the afternoon. So I've actually only had a day and a half in the office. But for some reason, it's just felt so long. No idea why.

I did also go to one concert this week, which was a great one. Double billing of Warpaint and Foals. Warpaint was opening, which makes sense since they haven't released music in a few years, and Foals just put out an album this year. A great one. And they have another coming in September. But I still think Warpaint is my favorite of the two, and I would love to have seen a full set from them, not just an elongated opening set. Only sad part about it is neither band played the songs I really wanted to hear (Elephants and Undertow from Warpaint, Out of the Woods and This Orient from Foals). But still, overall great show. And tonight is Local Natives! Should have been SZA, and I still have a SZA ticket that's going to waste, sadly, since it's not sold out and I can't find anyone to buy mine. Sad also cause I would love to see her, but I think she'll be back here before Local Natives are. Plus I'm super excited to see Local Natives because it's Local Natives, and it's in a super tiny venue. That was also a big deciding factor. No idea when I'll get the chance to see them in such an intimate venue again.

OK, so on to a bit of music. We'll start with Blood Cultures. I found them the same time that I found Fell Runner, who I shared last week. They're not as mind-blowingly amazing as Fell Runner, but the first song I heard, Best For You, which is their latest single, is extremely strong. And they're very interesting. Apparently they always wear balaclavas and nobody knows who they are, not even their publicist. They just want you to listen to their music. So let's start listening.

Best for You is off some future album called Oh Uncertainty! A Universe Despairs, that's coming out in September. There are a couple other singles out already, but they're just ok. Luckily they do already have one album out called Happy Birthday, from back in 2017. It's a pretty solid album, actually. They apparently got a bunch of buzz going with it as well, then disappeared. One of the songs that I like was particularly popular, I've read, and that's Mercury Child.

The other one I really do love by them, though, is Moon. Great track. Actually, I think I'm going to go listen to this album again. Just for good measure.

I'm also sharing my song of the week, which has been Gnarbone. This is off Until The Tide Creeps In, the debut album from Brighton brother-sister duo Penelope Isles. They just put out the album last Friday, and I have yet to give it a really proper listen. From the cursory one I did give it, it was nice, but Gnarbone was definitely the standout track. Reminds me of Broken Social Scene. But the rest of the album didn't. So maybe just not what I expected, but anyway definitely going to be listening again.

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