Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mar 31 - Kauf

I wasn't going to write a blog today, but then I came on here to draft two blogs. Not actually draft them, but what I do is when I have something to share, I usually come on here, type the band name as the title, and maybe put a note or two for myself and maybe even embed the song. Then, at a future date when I actually want to write (or for a day when I've got a lot to share but will only share one) I use my drafts. So I came on here to put two new drafts up, and I already had two in here. One of them deserves a longer write up, but this one is quick. And I don't have much to say about the last couple days, so this is perfect. This is Through The Yard, the debut single from Kauf, and I like it. I read some stuff about him when I heard the song, but now I've forgotten it. But here's the song. There we go, all done. And now I have 3 drafts lined up instead of 4.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mar 30 - Iris Lune

I don't have much to say right now. Not much has really happened this week, I guess. Actually, now that I think about it, that may not be true. I had Easter brunch at this place called Nest (very nice place, pretty good food, but excellent value. I'd go again), I saw Batman vs Superman (ummmm... yeah....), I went and got clothes made (a shirt and a coat that I saw in a magazine and liked. Actually I dreamt about the coat last night and that it turned out super weird. I'm afraid it might be horrible. But also might be amazing. We'll see...), and now I'm in Beijing. So yeah, I guess pretty eventful actually.

Not so eventful on the music front lately (except for a few good releases), but I do have this band Iris Lune, whose debut self-titled EP came out last year, and who I've been meaning to write about for a while. I'm not crazy about them, but I really like the EP. Not enough to buy, I think all the songs kind of sound the same (which is a good sound) and they tend to get lost in the background for me. I've listened to this EP like a million times while working trying to pay attention, but it keeps getting lost in the background. Each song has a moment that catches my attention and pulls me back, but there's nothing that really pulls me in and makes me go "wait a minute...". But if you like PHOX or Kan Wakan, go listen to Iris Lune. They make pretty music, and I will continue to listen to them when they put out new music. You can start with Drink The Twilight, the opening and most ear-catching song on the EP.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Mar 27 - Lucius

This blog post is about Wendy. My only ready. That's right, Wendy. This is the one. Where I talk about you.

Wendy finally came to visit me this weekend. She brought her friend Ally along. She's been saying ever since I saw her in Hong Kong during my New Year's trip that she'd come, and she did say March, and now she's done it. And it was wonderful. Of course, I knew it would be because Wendy is wonderful. But here's the problem with Wendy's and my relationship. We see each other once or twice a year, for a few hours at a time, and we have a lovely time chatting together. In between, she reads my blog and knows like everything in my life. And she periodically emails me with small updates of her own, but I don't get the weekly (and last year daily) fix that she gets. And now, for I think the first time since we first met each other when she came to South Africa while I was living there, we spent an elongated period of time together. And it was an utter delight. Wendy in small doses is great. Wendy in large doses is even better.

What we did is actually not so important, but here's the rundown: they got in Thursday afternoon, I came back from Beijing Thursday evening, and then came home and we sat on the couch and talked for a couple hours before passing out. Then on Friday I worked while they explored. After that, we went for some rooftop cocktails across the street (only one of which did Wendy in), then slowly made our way to dinner at one of my favorite places, Pochos, with a couple of pit stops along the way for more drinks (but not for Wendy, she just snacked until we got to Pochos). More friends came, more bar hopping, came home at 12, chatted and drank whiskey until 2. Saturday we ate food, we went to the Zotter Chocolate Theater, we tried to look at art and failed, then we did go look at art, then we rushed home so they could leave. During this, Wendy developed crushes on at least 3 of my friends, 1 of whom she didn't even meet. Also, she fell in love with Shanghai because how could you not and now she's going to move here (that last part is my decision, not hers, but I'm sure she'll realize I'm right soon enough).

But all of that isn't important. What is important is how lovely it was. Just non-stop loveliness from both Wendy and her friend Ally (who may also be reading this, so yes Ally, I like you too. Oh, you Wellesley women...). I laughed a lot during the weekend, which often had Wendy asking me why I was laughing at her, but actually I was laughing a lot because it made me extremely happy to see how much pleasure Wendy was getting from literally every little thing, how interested she was in everything and everyone, and how hilarious she is without even realizing it, I think. So there's your blog, Wendy. I'm a fan.

She was actually supposed to pick the song for today, but didn't. So I had to. And I was unsure what to pick. But then I realized I should obviously pick Lucius, because a) they put out a new album a couple weeks ago and I still haven't told you about it (it's called Good Grief, and I love it). Also, I like them very much, and I like Wendy very much, so since this blog was about Wendy I can pick something musical that I feel the same way about. First I'll play you Gone Insane. It's a great song, and honestly part of the reason I'm picking it is because it's upbeat. My two favorites on the album are not upbeat (one definitely not, one more so but not really), so we'll mix it up and start upbeat.

Good stuff. So yeah, the album is very good. I like it more than I expected. Before it came out they were counting down to it on Instagram by releasing clips of lots of tracks with small descriptions of them. And honestly, I didn't like them very much. I was not impressed and thought the album would be disappointing. But then it wasn't. Even the songs that I thought would be kind of boring were actually really good (case in point: What We Have (To Change)). And, just like with their first album Wildewoman, the closing track, Dusty Trails, is one of my favorites. This is the more upbeat of the two favorites which are not upbeat (the other being My Heart Got Caught On Your Sleeve). So since they decided to close the album with it and I love it, I'll close today's blog with Dusty Trails.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mar 24 - Lewis Del Mar

Today's my last day in Beijing, where I've spent the week. I came up on Monday night for meetings this week, and actually wanted to leave this morning, but unfortunately I have a video conference I have to attend, which I wouldn't do if I flew this morning, so I had to stay. Which means that my friend (and only reader) Wendy, who is coming to visit this weekend, will be in Shanghai before me. Luckily I've arranged to get her keys, thanks to the ubiquitous network of alumna of Wellesley College (of which I'm pretty sure I'm an honorary member at this point because I'm pretty sure I know half of the women who have gone there in the last decade). But at least I get to have a "lunch meeting" with my friends Santana and Ben.

Other highlights of the week include helping Rich and Nana pick out Rich's tux for his wedding, eating my favorite hamburger, and the clean air. Because it's actually been clean. Like under 50 on the AQI yesterday and today. That counts as good. It's never good here. I'm looking out my hotel window at blue skies right now. I can even see the mountains all the way out in West Beijing, which I think has only happened a handful of times in the last 6 years, and has now happened 2 days in a row. It's nuts. And hopefully it means my flight won't be delayed leaving Beijing, cause I'll already be late enough getting back.

Aside from my meetings this week, I've just been working at the hotel. I haven't gone into the office at all, and will only do so today because I have to check out and for this video conference. Otherwise I'd just stay here in the hotel listening to my music on my nice speaker instead of on my crappy computer speakers. It makes things much better. Things like Lewis Del Mar, who recently released their (yes their, it's not a person, it's a duo) debut EP, simply titled EP. Very creative. But the music is quite good. The first single, Loud(y), apparently jumped to the top of Hype Machine (not where I heard it. I don't get Hype Machine. Not that I've really tried, though. Maybe I should?) and got them a ton of attention. I think it's obvious why.

So great intro to the band, and the rest of the EP is just as good. I had trouble picking between Malt Liquor or Memories for the second song to play you. I think overall I like Malt Liquor more, so that's what I'm going with, but there's this great drum breakdown in Memories, which I love. The whole EP is on Spotify and Soundcloud though, and is only 4 tracks, so you may as well go give the whole thing a listen.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

March 20 - Katrine Stochholm

Last night was quite a big one, and I'm feeling it today. It was the annual adult Purim party, which I just learned is something that happens every year in Shanghai. And this year my friend was organizing and was intent on finding me a Jewish wife (as am I) so I went. And drank a lot. And then smoked (which I never do), and it actually worked this time (which it never does), which at first was fine, but then things got spinny and I had to leave.

But all in all, a great night. Even if it made this morning not so great. I've just been on the couch watching TV and movies. Actually that's what I did yesterday, too, until I had dinner with my friend Zabrina, who it turns out is finally leaving us. She's been talking about it for a few months now, and it's finally here, and it's not fun. I will miss her. But she's going to SF, so there are chances to see her. In fact, I'll probably see her this summer. But that's too far away.

And, because I'm sure you're wondering, there were some nice Jewish girls at the party last night. Nothing concrete to report, but we shall see if I can't change that.

I can't find out much about Katrine Stochholm, but judging by her name and the fact that everything she writes looks like it's in Swedish and I think my google search results only returned Swedish articles, I'm guessing she is from Sweden. Although one article I found also mentioned the name Under Byen, which then led to an English wikipedia page talking about this Danish band that started in 1995. So maybe she's Danish. Other than that, I've got nothing for you. Except a really nice, understated debut (maybe? maybe solo debut? Maybe American debut? Maybe Spotify just hasn't caught up for some reason?) single, En Dejlig Aften.

Soundcloud has come through with at least one answer! In English, she is stated as being from Denmark, and this song is stated as being the first single from her album Danser Til Radio. So there's something.

Mar 19 - Submotion Orchestra

I had another busy week on the road this week. I had conferences I was planning in Ningbo on Tuesday, and Xi'an Thursday. Which meant that Monday was a travel day (including out to Pudong to pick up my colleague who flew in from Germany), and then also Wednesday. And actually even Thursday, because I had to leave immediately after the conference ended Thursday to get back to Pudong in time for my colleague to catch his flight back to Germany. Which didn't happen because we were delayed two hours, so I then only made it home at 3am. But of course I was awake at 8am despite not having to go to the office Friday. I have no clue why. Which means last night was a quiet night with grilled cheese and a couple drinks, and then asleep by ten. Wonderful stuff.

The event on Tuesday I was not happy with. It went well, we ran it well, but I was very disappointed in the support we got from the sales team. Thursday was much better, though. Actually went really well. And, as usual, the best part was all the delicious food. Xi'an would have been nice as a city as well. I wanted to spend a little extra time and see a bit, but had to run after the event. So busy, but not very eventful week. I did get to binge watch House of Cards, though! That was probably the highlight. Nobody really cares about work.

I didn't really feel like writing during the week, though. But now I'll write to you about Submotion Orchestra. I think More Than This was the first song I heard, which is off their new album Colour Theory. I don't remember where I heard it exactly, but I really liked it.

After really liking More Than This, I went to listen to the album. And I actually found that it's not what I expected. I thought it would be more of the same sound. And there is more of that, and some other great tracks with vocals (specifically Illusions and Empty Love), but then there's a bunch of instrumental tracks, which are more reminiscent of Bonobo. And how could I not love that? Best track is definitely Jaffa, but Kimono is a close second, I'd say.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Mar 13 - Wild Nothing

I had a wonderful weekend and it has sapped all my energy. So I'll wait until tomorrow to write about it, I think. But here's a song I like a lot, from a band I think is fine. Reichpop came up on my Spotify last week and it's a great song, so I went to listen to Life of Pause, the new album from Wild Nothing which Reichpop is the opening track to. It's a fantastic track. Sadly the rest of the album isn't fantastic. It's good, I did enjoy it, but not enough to go buy it. And there were no other real standout tracks.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Mar 11 - Sarah Williams White

I am so glad it's Friday. This week was so busy. It seems like every week is so busy these days, though. But it was a good week. Work was very good, actually. I put together this market report a few weeks ago which I presented to a bunch of people, trying to make an argument to develop a new product here in China. Maybe straightforward, except that making this product comes very close to destroying our existing product mix. That's not completely accurate, but without going into the details everyone was sure it wouldn't work. And then it did. So I was very proud of that. And I also got a new employee. She actually won't start immediately, but at least I have someone else coming, which is great cause we really need it. And her coming means that she will be getting my title, which means I get a title bump. So that's good. Not a pay bump, sadly. Not yet, anyway, but once the Asia stuff starts coming, then hopefully I will get a pay bump. I have no clue.

Socially, also busy. Just the typical dinner and drinks and hanging out and what not. I did eat a lot of tacos, though, which is always noteworthy. And then I went to a comedy show last night, which was organized by a couple of the Jewish organizations in town, so it was very Jewish. Which I love, obviously. Except at one point one of the comedians was talking about how he loves Jewish women, and asked if any were in the audience, to which he got a bit of hooting and hollering. Then he asked if any were single, and there was silence. I was sad. Maybe worth mentioning, he was gay, so it's not just because the women thought he was a creeper or something. Ah well. I'm sure there was at least a liar or two in that audience.

I also downloaded this album, Of The New World, which is the debut from British songstress Sarah Williams White. It looks like an album, what with it's 12 tracks, but actually there's only 7 songs and 5 "soundscapes", and it only comes in at 30 minutes. That's practically an EP if you ask me. But whatever, it's good stuff. Very good stuff. Hum, Pt. 2 is what originally caught my attention.

Definitely catchy stuff. Attention catchy. So then I went and listened to the album, and thought it was great. Somewhere between Glasser and Tune-Yards. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Which is why today she gets a blog to herself, and you will now be gifted with another song of hers, Winter Sun.

Well, since I'm sure you're now hooked, go listen to more. In the meantime I'm off to listen to the new Lucius album, Good Grief, which came out today. And which you should also go buy. Lots of good albums these last couple of weeks. But you'll be hearing more about them soon. Not to worry.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Mar 8 - Mitski / Hovvdy

It is raining pretty hard today. And having to bike back in it has made my hands very cold. It's kind of hard to type right now because they're not yet back to normal. But I need to write this and then go quickly, cause I'm meeting my pseudo-mentor for dinner. He's not a mentor, per se, but he's probably the closest I've got. And he's in town for a week so we're having dinner tonight. Luckily I pre-wrote the music bit of this yesterday when I was home all day.

Today's first song is the new track from a not so new artist (or so it seems based on her Spotify account, but she's totally new to me), Mitski. She's getting ready to put out a new album, Puberty 2, and I heard the first single from it yesterday. It's called Your Best American Girl, and immediately liked it a lot. Somewhat ironically (but maybe also the point), the song actually reminds me of a lot of female rock-pop music coming out of Japan, which would make sense considering she was born in Japan but then moved all over the place with her family and finally settled in New York for college, I'm guessing by her age about 7 or 8 years ago. Great introduction to a new (to me) artist, though, which I wanted to share anyway, then when I went on Soundcloud this morning there it was, sitting on the homepage, reposted by Jagjaguwar, a label who I obviously pay attention to since they also have Bon Iver.

Jagjaguwar had not only shared Your Best American Girl, but also the next song, Problem, by Hovvdy. I went on their Spotify and found this song back on their 2014 EP, titled Ep, but that one was a stripped down demo. They seem to have fleshed out a full version of the song, which I like very much. So you can listen to this one today, too.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Mar 7 - Floating Points / Massive Attack feat. Azekel

Made it back to China yesterday afternoon, safe and sound. But also exhausted, because for some reason I was not able to sleep on the plane. We took off at like 8pm, so I figured I'd watch a movie then sleep for a bit, but for some reason it didn't matter what position I was in, after about five minutes I'd just be super uncomfortable and unable to relax. It was pretty annoying.

The end of the Dubai trip was great, though. I spent the day with my friend Teresa. We met when she was here in Shanghai, but she left to go work on a few projects in Dubai back in December. So it was great to see her and catch up a bit. We started out pretty relaxed, just having coffee at the beachfront, where they had a 3D art festival going on. The government or event organizers or whoever it was invited a bunch of those people who draw stuff on the ground that then looks 3D to come and draw on the ground. And on the buildings. It was actually a lot more fun than I expected. Plus we got to go to the beach, which is always nice. No swimming involved or anything, but just hanging out on the beach for a few minutes and putting my toes in the water was all I needed. And we ate a camel burger! It was actually pretty good. The meat was more like pulled meat than ground. I don't know if that's just how camel is, or if it maybe was pulled meat. Flavor-wise, it most reminded me of the moose burger I had in Sweden a few years back, but better. And it was spiced really nicely. Ok, that's my attempt at being a food writer. I think I've used up all my adjectives and cooking vocabulary, so that's all I have to say about that. Other than it was pretty good and I'm surprised that this was the only time I've ever seen camel on a menu. Glad I can add it to my list of animals I've eaten!

After a lazy morning, the afternoon actually got a bit rushed. We were on the hunt for a themed gift for me to take back to another friend, and when we couldn't find it at the small mall in the Marina, we went to the souk. We needed something Dubai- (or camel) themed, and super kitschy, so of course the souk is the right choice. Plus I wanted to buy a new hookah since mine broke last year and the one I got in Istanbul airport is tiny and I don't like it very much. So we ended up rushing through the souk trying to find anything, and not. Not even a good hookah. So we figured we'd try the larger mall attached to my hotel, which was perfect since I had to be back at the hotel to get to the airport soon anyway. And also because the mall had a Nando's, so I got to eat Nando's before leaving! No gifts were found, but Nando's was eaten, so really what more could you want from life? And Terry had never tried Nando's before, but now she has and there's one right by her, so she's going to eat it all the time and make me super jealous.

That was it. Dubai is done. Now I'm back in China for about 4 weeks, before heading to Germany for a trade show. Got a couple of local trips planned, and some visitors coming to Shanghai, so should be a fun month.

And again we have two tracks from two artists, but unlike last time it's not to clear out the queue of songs I had to share. Actually I didn't have either of them queued up to share, but I should have. Both of them are songs or artists I found recently that I enjoy very much, so I should have shared sooner. The first is Peroration Six, the closing track off of Floating Points's debut album, Elaenia, which was released last year. I only heard it a few weeks ago, but it's a great sound, something along the lines of the instrumental, ambient electronic of  The Cinematic Orchestra. And it made a perfect starting point for a great Spotify channel for the last time I worked from home (something I'm doing again today).

And then we have a new song from Massive Attack. They put out a new EP, Ritual Spirit, back in January, and I've been obsessed with the title track since I first heard it. Obviously they are not a band I just recently found out about, but they just recently put out this EP after 6 years of nothing, and the song should have been shared with you much sooner. It features Azekel on vocals (who I told you about last year), but there are also great collaborations with Tricky, Young Fathers and Roots Manuva. Hopefully this means they have a new album in the works. No word on that yet, though.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Mar 4 - Mereki / Wildhoney

And now, the conference is officially over. At least the official part is. Today was a long one, for some reason, though. It actually was no longer than yesterday, I just feel more tired and had a harder day. But anyway it's done, and next up is our river cruise dinner, which should be nice. Surprisingly, it will be the only event that features alcohol. I mean, I guess it shouldn't be surprising since we are in Dubai, but this company never has events without alcohol. This has been like the healthiest event in the company's 225 year history. Which isn't saying much, cause they still feed us waaaaay too much food.

Anyway, glad it's over, and I know have a 30 minute break to change and share music with you. And with today's post I'm just about caught up with the music I had lined up to share (but I still have a long list of things to listen to once I have more time, which will inevitably lead to too much other music to share). So we're going back to the 2 songs from 2 artists model. The first artist is Mereki, and the first song is Sirens. The reason you only get one song from Mereki is because Mereki only has 3 songs (the first of which is alright, the second of which is not). And I only like this song. And after reading her profile on her record label's site, I'm not sure I need to listen to more in the future. But anyway, this one is good.

And then we have Wildhoney, with the track Laura off of their first EP Your Face Sideways, which came out last year. Great song. Only great song on the EP. Nice sound in general, but nothing too earth shattering. They do have an album from last year also, titled Sleep Through It, which I guess I'll listen to. But for now, all you need to know about is Laura.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 3 - Jack Garrat

Man this conference is keeping me busy. It's kind of nuts, especially considering the other work I have to do. But I've been doing it during presentations cause they sat me in the back row. Shhh, don't tell. I do have to say I'm glad I'm not planning it this year. Being the Asia Pacific Marketing Conference, it's usually in Asia (duh). But this year it's in Dubai (duh?). Next year I guess it's back to me somewhere, I think likely either Vietnam or Indonesia, but let's hope not. Much easier to just attend than actually plan and run and speak and try to get other work done at the same time. Blergh. And I have one really time consuming task that involves learning advanced dynamic excel functions. Blergh.

There is a bit of fun, too. In the evenings they take us out for dinner, and they've really got great venues here. We went to a dinner place in the desert last night, where you sit out under the stars in a bazaar themed camp, and they have dancers and musicians and camels and hawks and a caravan show and hookah and tons of food and of course lots of little shops for you to spend more money. So I rode a camel and held a hawk. That was fun.

Quick song for today is The Love You're Given, by Jack Garratt. I already wrote about him this year, when he won BBC's Sound of 2016. And I've gotta say, he may be one of the best winners of recent history (note: winners. There are nominees/finalists who I think have been better, but as far as winners go, he's up there towards the top). He just put out his album, Phase, two weeks ago, and it's fantastic. A great debut. Favorite song is definitely The Love You're Given. It's been on repeat since I got the album. On my first listen I wasn't 100% sure actually, but by number 2 I was totally convinced. So go buy his album, and make sure to get the deluxe version. It's worth it.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March 2 - Declan McKenna / The Gloomies

I had every intention of writing on Sunday and then Monday, and even Tuesday, but none of those happened.

Sunday I had some time in the afternoon after a skype with the parents and dinner with a friend, but it was such a nice day I ended up outside drinking all afternoon. Go figure. It really was a great weekend, though. It finally feels like Spring is coming to Shanghai. There are blue skies again, which to me is probably more important than the actual temperature. And the pollution has looked pretty ok. It's still up at like 120-160, which is not good, but at least it looks good? That counts for something, right? So no writing on Sunday.

Monday I could have written because I didn't go to work. Except the reason I didn't go to work made it pretty tough to write. That reason being food poisoning. Like the worst I ever remember having. I woke up pretty ok, stomach feeling a bit funny, but left and went and got on the shuttle for work. And at the next stop I got off and went home and immediately started vomiting. That went on for a while, so I went to the doctor because I had a flight on Tuesday morning and needed to be better. Luckily they shot me up with the drugs and gave me other meds to stop my body from exploding, and by evening I was back at like 80%. Still mentally out of it and in no place to write, though, so instead I slowly packed and watched the Grammys. The worst part of all of this is that I'm pretty sure it happened from one of my favorite restaurants, where I had dinner Sunday night to catch up with my friend Zabrina who I haven't seen in far too long, and that restaurant is now dead to me. Zabrina was fine, though, lucky for her.

Tuesday writing would have happened at the airport before my flight, but instead I caught up on work emails I missed on Monday. Because I did absolutely no work, which I didn't expect, but that was the case. And my boss was there with me, so we also chatted. And then planes and then I forgot to write when I got to Dubai last night. Oh yeah, I'm in Dubai. For a conference. Nothing exciting. Maybe some shopping. And of course a lot of hummus. And I'll see a friend from Shanghai who's moved here recently. But mostly just conference. Oh, and sandals. I get to wear sandals. The best.

But finally we are here and writing. And I'm only going to share one song because I have a bunch of songs I want to share and so I'm gonna try to do a daily thing this week. And I'm just adding to the songs to share list with a playlist I'm really enjoying at the moment, so I really do need to be on top of my writing. This song is Brazil, the debut from (believe it or not) 17 year old Brit Declan McKenna. And it's a pretty damn good debut. And apparently like a protest song against Brazil before the Olympics or something. As you know I'm not big on lyrics. It'll probably take me a year to actually listen, but this is what I read. Excited to hear more from this kid.

Ok, I actually read the lyrics. It doesn't seem so much a protest song to me as a satiric take on selling your country, using Brazil as an example. Still, 17 years old. Impressive.

And while we're still here, screw it. I'll do two songs. There's too much on my list. And since Declan McKenna is alternative rocky, we'll do a bit more alternative rocky music. Or, as they describe themselves, surfpunk / heroine jazz.  That band is The Gloomies, and the song I'm sharing is also their debut single, LSD. Which the lead singer says is not about drugs, but rather about making a big move and change in your life. So I guess if I ever listen to the lyrics I'll identify (OK, googled again, read again, doesn't seem like it's about a move to me, more like making compromises for something you really care about, which maybe was the case regarding his move that he was writing about, so I guess there's that). For me, this is definitely the best song by The Gloomies so far, but I'll keep my eye on them.