Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Mar 30 - Iris Lune

I don't have much to say right now. Not much has really happened this week, I guess. Actually, now that I think about it, that may not be true. I had Easter brunch at this place called Nest (very nice place, pretty good food, but excellent value. I'd go again), I saw Batman vs Superman (ummmm... yeah....), I went and got clothes made (a shirt and a coat that I saw in a magazine and liked. Actually I dreamt about the coat last night and that it turned out super weird. I'm afraid it might be horrible. But also might be amazing. We'll see...), and now I'm in Beijing. So yeah, I guess pretty eventful actually.

Not so eventful on the music front lately (except for a few good releases), but I do have this band Iris Lune, whose debut self-titled EP came out last year, and who I've been meaning to write about for a while. I'm not crazy about them, but I really like the EP. Not enough to buy, I think all the songs kind of sound the same (which is a good sound) and they tend to get lost in the background for me. I've listened to this EP like a million times while working trying to pay attention, but it keeps getting lost in the background. Each song has a moment that catches my attention and pulls me back, but there's nothing that really pulls me in and makes me go "wait a minute...". But if you like PHOX or Kan Wakan, go listen to Iris Lune. They make pretty music, and I will continue to listen to them when they put out new music. You can start with Drink The Twilight, the opening and most ear-catching song on the EP.

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