Friday, March 11, 2016

Mar 11 - Sarah Williams White

I am so glad it's Friday. This week was so busy. It seems like every week is so busy these days, though. But it was a good week. Work was very good, actually. I put together this market report a few weeks ago which I presented to a bunch of people, trying to make an argument to develop a new product here in China. Maybe straightforward, except that making this product comes very close to destroying our existing product mix. That's not completely accurate, but without going into the details everyone was sure it wouldn't work. And then it did. So I was very proud of that. And I also got a new employee. She actually won't start immediately, but at least I have someone else coming, which is great cause we really need it. And her coming means that she will be getting my title, which means I get a title bump. So that's good. Not a pay bump, sadly. Not yet, anyway, but once the Asia stuff starts coming, then hopefully I will get a pay bump. I have no clue.

Socially, also busy. Just the typical dinner and drinks and hanging out and what not. I did eat a lot of tacos, though, which is always noteworthy. And then I went to a comedy show last night, which was organized by a couple of the Jewish organizations in town, so it was very Jewish. Which I love, obviously. Except at one point one of the comedians was talking about how he loves Jewish women, and asked if any were in the audience, to which he got a bit of hooting and hollering. Then he asked if any were single, and there was silence. I was sad. Maybe worth mentioning, he was gay, so it's not just because the women thought he was a creeper or something. Ah well. I'm sure there was at least a liar or two in that audience.

I also downloaded this album, Of The New World, which is the debut from British songstress Sarah Williams White. It looks like an album, what with it's 12 tracks, but actually there's only 7 songs and 5 "soundscapes", and it only comes in at 30 minutes. That's practically an EP if you ask me. But whatever, it's good stuff. Very good stuff. Hum, Pt. 2 is what originally caught my attention.

Definitely catchy stuff. Attention catchy. So then I went and listened to the album, and thought it was great. Somewhere between Glasser and Tune-Yards. Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Which is why today she gets a blog to herself, and you will now be gifted with another song of hers, Winter Sun.

Well, since I'm sure you're now hooked, go listen to more. In the meantime I'm off to listen to the new Lucius album, Good Grief, which came out today. And which you should also go buy. Lots of good albums these last couple of weeks. But you'll be hearing more about them soon. Not to worry.

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