Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 3 - Jack Garrat

Man this conference is keeping me busy. It's kind of nuts, especially considering the other work I have to do. But I've been doing it during presentations cause they sat me in the back row. Shhh, don't tell. I do have to say I'm glad I'm not planning it this year. Being the Asia Pacific Marketing Conference, it's usually in Asia (duh). But this year it's in Dubai (duh?). Next year I guess it's back to me somewhere, I think likely either Vietnam or Indonesia, but let's hope not. Much easier to just attend than actually plan and run and speak and try to get other work done at the same time. Blergh. And I have one really time consuming task that involves learning advanced dynamic excel functions. Blergh.

There is a bit of fun, too. In the evenings they take us out for dinner, and they've really got great venues here. We went to a dinner place in the desert last night, where you sit out under the stars in a bazaar themed camp, and they have dancers and musicians and camels and hawks and a caravan show and hookah and tons of food and of course lots of little shops for you to spend more money. So I rode a camel and held a hawk. That was fun.

Quick song for today is The Love You're Given, by Jack Garratt. I already wrote about him this year, when he won BBC's Sound of 2016. And I've gotta say, he may be one of the best winners of recent history (note: winners. There are nominees/finalists who I think have been better, but as far as winners go, he's up there towards the top). He just put out his album, Phase, two weeks ago, and it's fantastic. A great debut. Favorite song is definitely The Love You're Given. It's been on repeat since I got the album. On my first listen I wasn't 100% sure actually, but by number 2 I was totally convinced. So go buy his album, and make sure to get the deluxe version. It's worth it.

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