Sunday, March 27, 2016

Mar 27 - Lucius

This blog post is about Wendy. My only ready. That's right, Wendy. This is the one. Where I talk about you.

Wendy finally came to visit me this weekend. She brought her friend Ally along. She's been saying ever since I saw her in Hong Kong during my New Year's trip that she'd come, and she did say March, and now she's done it. And it was wonderful. Of course, I knew it would be because Wendy is wonderful. But here's the problem with Wendy's and my relationship. We see each other once or twice a year, for a few hours at a time, and we have a lovely time chatting together. In between, she reads my blog and knows like everything in my life. And she periodically emails me with small updates of her own, but I don't get the weekly (and last year daily) fix that she gets. And now, for I think the first time since we first met each other when she came to South Africa while I was living there, we spent an elongated period of time together. And it was an utter delight. Wendy in small doses is great. Wendy in large doses is even better.

What we did is actually not so important, but here's the rundown: they got in Thursday afternoon, I came back from Beijing Thursday evening, and then came home and we sat on the couch and talked for a couple hours before passing out. Then on Friday I worked while they explored. After that, we went for some rooftop cocktails across the street (only one of which did Wendy in), then slowly made our way to dinner at one of my favorite places, Pochos, with a couple of pit stops along the way for more drinks (but not for Wendy, she just snacked until we got to Pochos). More friends came, more bar hopping, came home at 12, chatted and drank whiskey until 2. Saturday we ate food, we went to the Zotter Chocolate Theater, we tried to look at art and failed, then we did go look at art, then we rushed home so they could leave. During this, Wendy developed crushes on at least 3 of my friends, 1 of whom she didn't even meet. Also, she fell in love with Shanghai because how could you not and now she's going to move here (that last part is my decision, not hers, but I'm sure she'll realize I'm right soon enough).

But all of that isn't important. What is important is how lovely it was. Just non-stop loveliness from both Wendy and her friend Ally (who may also be reading this, so yes Ally, I like you too. Oh, you Wellesley women...). I laughed a lot during the weekend, which often had Wendy asking me why I was laughing at her, but actually I was laughing a lot because it made me extremely happy to see how much pleasure Wendy was getting from literally every little thing, how interested she was in everything and everyone, and how hilarious she is without even realizing it, I think. So there's your blog, Wendy. I'm a fan.

She was actually supposed to pick the song for today, but didn't. So I had to. And I was unsure what to pick. But then I realized I should obviously pick Lucius, because a) they put out a new album a couple weeks ago and I still haven't told you about it (it's called Good Grief, and I love it). Also, I like them very much, and I like Wendy very much, so since this blog was about Wendy I can pick something musical that I feel the same way about. First I'll play you Gone Insane. It's a great song, and honestly part of the reason I'm picking it is because it's upbeat. My two favorites on the album are not upbeat (one definitely not, one more so but not really), so we'll mix it up and start upbeat.

Good stuff. So yeah, the album is very good. I like it more than I expected. Before it came out they were counting down to it on Instagram by releasing clips of lots of tracks with small descriptions of them. And honestly, I didn't like them very much. I was not impressed and thought the album would be disappointing. But then it wasn't. Even the songs that I thought would be kind of boring were actually really good (case in point: What We Have (To Change)). And, just like with their first album Wildewoman, the closing track, Dusty Trails, is one of my favorites. This is the more upbeat of the two favorites which are not upbeat (the other being My Heart Got Caught On Your Sleeve). So since they decided to close the album with it and I love it, I'll close today's blog with Dusty Trails.

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