Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mar 24 - Lewis Del Mar

Today's my last day in Beijing, where I've spent the week. I came up on Monday night for meetings this week, and actually wanted to leave this morning, but unfortunately I have a video conference I have to attend, which I wouldn't do if I flew this morning, so I had to stay. Which means that my friend (and only reader) Wendy, who is coming to visit this weekend, will be in Shanghai before me. Luckily I've arranged to get her keys, thanks to the ubiquitous network of alumna of Wellesley College (of which I'm pretty sure I'm an honorary member at this point because I'm pretty sure I know half of the women who have gone there in the last decade). But at least I get to have a "lunch meeting" with my friends Santana and Ben.

Other highlights of the week include helping Rich and Nana pick out Rich's tux for his wedding, eating my favorite hamburger, and the clean air. Because it's actually been clean. Like under 50 on the AQI yesterday and today. That counts as good. It's never good here. I'm looking out my hotel window at blue skies right now. I can even see the mountains all the way out in West Beijing, which I think has only happened a handful of times in the last 6 years, and has now happened 2 days in a row. It's nuts. And hopefully it means my flight won't be delayed leaving Beijing, cause I'll already be late enough getting back.

Aside from my meetings this week, I've just been working at the hotel. I haven't gone into the office at all, and will only do so today because I have to check out and for this video conference. Otherwise I'd just stay here in the hotel listening to my music on my nice speaker instead of on my crappy computer speakers. It makes things much better. Things like Lewis Del Mar, who recently released their (yes their, it's not a person, it's a duo) debut EP, simply titled EP. Very creative. But the music is quite good. The first single, Loud(y), apparently jumped to the top of Hype Machine (not where I heard it. I don't get Hype Machine. Not that I've really tried, though. Maybe I should?) and got them a ton of attention. I think it's obvious why.

So great intro to the band, and the rest of the EP is just as good. I had trouble picking between Malt Liquor or Memories for the second song to play you. I think overall I like Malt Liquor more, so that's what I'm going with, but there's this great drum breakdown in Memories, which I love. The whole EP is on Spotify and Soundcloud though, and is only 4 tracks, so you may as well go give the whole thing a listen.

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