Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Feb 3 - Laura Marling

Ozzie and I
I had a wonderful weekend, which made my Monday that much harder. If you read my blog yesterday, you can see that I was very unmotivated. But today I've got it back, which is good. I don't know what was going on yesterday, I don't generally get the Mondays like that. Just this week.

But perhaps it's because of how wonderful my weekend was which made me just not want to be at work at all. I was dog sitting Ozzie (full name Osbourne Vorel, also known as Ozzball, Ozzbean, Zuzu, Ozzfest and much more - to me at least, maybe not to anyone else). His parents, my good friends Cy and Veronica, were off in Hong Kong for a long weekend. I was also away last week when they left, so I almost did not get my quality time with Ozzie. But they found someone to watch him when they left on Thursday, and then I picked him up and took him home with me on Friday when I got back.

Ozzie on my couch
Ozzie is the best. And he's super chill. I basically spent the weekend hanging out with him and he'd just follow me around the house and then plop down and watch me do whatever I was doing. But he would not stay alone in a room if I was not in it. We also went for walks, which was fun. Ozzie is great with humans and being in public. Not so much with other dogs though. He's super dominant, besides his small stature, and he takes care to only pee where other dogs have peed to make sure he's claiming what other dogs did not realize was already his.

Ozzie in my bed
And he's super smart. If I left him alone at home, I'd usually come back and find his leash placed neatly on the seat I usually use on the couch, just so he could remind me that I'm not supposed to leave without him. Or I'd find him cuddled up with my shoe among the blankets he found and appropriated to make himself a little nest. Smart kid. There were other fun activities this weekend, like the brunch I hosted where lots of wonderful delicious foods were cooked (not by me). And I helped a friend move into my place for a few days before she leaves the country (more on that later), but Ozzie was probably the highlight. He's the best.

Another highlight is that Laura Marling has also started releasing new music. She has a new album coming out this year (her last one, Once I Was An Eagle, was my number 2 for 2013, by far her best album to date). She's put out a couple of great new singles already, Short Movie and False Hope, and I could share one of those, but I specifically chose to share a Laura Marling song today so that I could share my favorite song from Once I Was An Eagle and still get away with it, because after the new album comes out I'll have to share my favorite off of that album. So today is I Was An Eagle, the title track on Once I Was An Eagle, a fantastic song, and part of the entire suite that consists of like the first seven tracks of the album, all of which you should go listen to in order cause they're all great.

It's also worth mentioning that after writing yesterday's blog, I went back and listened to Geographer's old albums. Then I listened again. And again. Then bought them. And I was very pleased and now I'm a fan.

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