Saturday, February 28, 2015

Feb 28 - Bop English

For some reason, working on Saturday was not nearly as painful as working on Friday. And this is despite the fact that my friend came over last night and we put down 2.5 bottles of wine between us. You'd think I would have been in a terrible state, but it was actually ok. And apparently House of Cards Season 3 is now out, so that's even more good news for the day.

In other good news is the fact that Bop English exists. I don't know much about him, though I assume he's English. And he seems to have put out a his first single, called Dani's Blues (It Was Beyond Our Control). And I like it a lot.

Update: I just looked on facebook and found out he is not English, he is from Austin. I also found out that he is apparently a member of White Denim, a fantastic band you should listen to if you never had. I was sure I'd written about them before and actually wanted to link to my blog about them, but it would appear that I haven't. But you should. And then I should write about them, too. Ok, this is long enough. Enjoy the song.

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